Ménage á Trois

The Household of Three FanFic archive

How to Submit Works

E-Mail me your work using the format below. Attach the document in .txt to your e-mail.

Series: Title of series & which part of series it is
E-Mail: You want feedback, don't you...
Websight: so they can check out your other works.
Fandom: Spell out fandom- some people are not familure with AtS= Angel the TV ect.
Pairing: Spell out Character names= W can be Wesley or Willow
Warnings: if rape, BDSM, MMF, character death or others
Spoilers: An idea of what time in the TV series it takes place.
Summery: brief discription so that person can decide if they want to read
Disclaimer: keep it simple. We all know you don’t own them, just playing with them.
Notes: Such as historical significance, a beta going to bat for you, language translation

An example

Title: In the Silo
Series: Definition of Human, round 1 part3
Author: Tara
E-Mail: StarWindDancer@yahoo.com
Websight: http://www.chaelyndra.com/roundXFslash/
Fandom: X-Files/Buffy the Vamipire Slayer
Pairing: Mulder/Krycek/Xander/Spike
Rating: this part PG-18
Warnings: Angstfest and semi-tourture
Spoilers: This is set in season 6 of X-Files and season 4 in Buffy the Vampire Slayer but Giles already owns The Magic Shop from season 5.
Summery: Krycek is stuck in a silo & gets a roommate while Mulder investigates paranormal activity in Sunnydale
Disclaimer: Not mine, can’t buy them.
Note: Thank you to all the support from the RoundXFSlash group

Mail it to me at Josifine Koe, archivist