<BGSOUND SRC="poweroflove.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

           Contest who ever sends me the best sailor juipter picture will recive an amazing award  hury offer ends Aug 1!! click below to send me youre picture
e-mail for contest
     Sailor Juipter
Name: Lita Kino/Makoto Kino
loves to cook
favorite color is sugaar pink
fave food is cherry pie and meatloaf
Fave subject is home economics hates physics

my  parents died in a plane crash so ever since then I hate to fly my Birth day is december 5  my blood type is O.

Dont tell any one but I have a crush on Andrew the guy at the arcade!
Juipter Thunder crash
Juipter thunder dragon
Juipter thunder zap
Juipter Oak evolution
Juipter Power
Juipter star power
Juipter crystal power
Super juipter power
    As you my tell I am the guadarin of thunder and of juipter !