Admissions Advice Page for Canadian Pre-Meds

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The Advice Page for Canadian Pre-Meds is a web-site geared towards the Canadian high school, or university premed student considering attending a Canadian medical school. Hopefully, the hints and tips on this web-site will be of use when completing the auto-biographical section of the med school application, writing the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), and preparing for the interview. As a former undergraduate Molecular Biology student, I've provided a timeline for the average, or "typical" undergraduate science major during the first three years of a degree program. This information will be useful to North American students contemplating a career in medicine.

Ian Wong
University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine, Class of 2003

Note: Thank you to the CMAJ for mentioning this website in their May 30, 2000 issue. Last update was Apr. 21, 2001.
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