“An excellent opportunity for growth, a life changing experience. The course allows you to be true to yourself. I have learnt new skills and knowledge that will be valuable in every facet of my life. Rina and Ronél have designed a course that really works. It helps you to get right into it, no pretences – just growth! Growth! Growth!” Shireen Jhetam.

“An excellent course combining theory and practical skills. I’ve actually became more aware of my emotions and where it “happens” in my body. One of the modules that meant the most to me was the one on self-assertiveness. It really was a privilege to experience this. I’m sure Ronél and Rina will add value to many other people’s lives. Thanks.” Philip Nolte.

“Thank you for sharing your knowledge and selves with us so generously. I have grown both personally and professionally. I hope that I can do this wonderful course justice by using it! Elmarie Prinsloo

“The EQ Proficient course has been a heart-warming experience. It has enabled me to accept that the only reality is “now”. Expending energy on the anger of yesterday and anxiety of tomorrow is negative and irrelevant. This is a message I would like everyone to learn.” Ayesha Bayat

“I reckon that this course is a MUST for everyone." Stephan Botha (Prof)

"For a couple of years I have been involved with organisations and management courses re. coping with stress, conflict, and internal politics. The EQ course opened surprisingly new perspectives for personnel management and organisational development. No organisation should be without it!" Jurie Swart (MBA) Management Consultant

“Be assured that I enjoyed the course tremendously and that I have learnt a lot. It was a new beginning for me that made it possible for me to make many internal shifts. There are still such a lot to learn!” Katinka (Delta Park School) Go Back