Emotional Intelligence for Adults

Skills to be gained from course:

Self-awareness, flexibility, open-mindedness,

self-confidence, self-control, self-assertiveness,

empathy and ability to work with others,

self-motivation and social skills.

Outcomes of the emotional intelligence course:

The aim with the course is to guide people in making careful decisions about their own functioning and their relationship with others. At the end of the course I want people who:

1. Accept responsibility for their own thoughts, feelings, values, assumptions and perceptions;

2. Can identify and control their intense feelings and cope with them appropriately without harming themselves and others;

3. Know and accept themselves, but are still motivated to identify and develop their growth areas;

4. Can communicate with other people, have empathy with them and who can recognise and accept the perspectives of others;

5. Are emotionally resilient, can cope with setbacks effectively and who can motivate themselves to give their best;

6. Are capable to cope with most social situations;

7. Can formulate realistic and attainable goals and can put everything into reaching these goals and

8. Can follow a balanced lifestyle.

Please take note: At the moment I also do the courses individually. You may do the course alone, with a friend or as a couple. This is more personal and problems can be discussed if necessary. Plan for at least ten sessions of two hours each.

Persons who do the course on a one-to-one basis do it at my practice in Centurion, Pretoria.

Counsellers and therapists (social workers, psychologists, ministers, people in the judicial professions, etc.) can benefit from the course in two ways: (1) they learn to cope with their own feelings and relationships, and (2) they can use the new knowledge and skills in their work, enhancing the emotional proficiency of the people they work with.

The workbook is an excellent, practical tool to use in therapy and can be applied in various ways and in about all kinds of therapy.

Courses are presented either in Afrikaans or English or both depending on the needs of the individual or group.

Additional evaluations available:

* Determine your present emotional intelligence

with the help of a computer programme.

* Determine the most important temperament

and character traits using a computer programme

and/or structured questionnaires.

* Determine your brain profile.

Complete reports available with regard to the above mentioned.

Checklist for emotional intelligence.

This is just a general list of attributes to strive for. Remember that some people may have more skills in certain areas than other. Be honest and see where you can grow!

* I am aware of my feelings and where they come from;

* I know my thinking patterns and am able to change them if they are not constructive;

* My values and needs (that is connected to my feelings) are clear to me;

* I am not dependent on recognition and acceptance from others;

* I am aware of my irrational assumptions, preconceived ideas and prejudices that bring me negative feelings;

* I can see different viewpoints in a situation;

* I wait for enough objective information before I come to a conclusion (my filters are open);

* I really know myself and am aware of my strengths and growth areas;

* I am self-assertive without being aggressive;

* My lifestyle is balanced with enough time for relaxation and spiritual growth;

* I can communicate clearly;

* I know feeling words and can express my feelings to those closest to me;

* I can recognise the feelings of others;

* I have empathy with them and am able to express my empathy;

* People may experience intense feelings when I am with them. I don't feel uncomfortable in such a situation;

* I don't judge other's feelings;

* I know techniques that can lessen the intensity of my feelings, like deep breathing;

* I can stop myself when experiencing an intense feeling and think about ways in which to react;

* I do not suppress or ignore my feelings but accept them for what they are and for what they are trying to tell me;

* I know how to cope with my anger and worries;

* I can forgive and let go;

* Change is not an end for me but a challenge;

* I have resilience and can get back on my feet after a setback;

* I know that I am responsible for my own happiness and that happiness comes from within;

* I am able to set myself realistic goals and am able to reach them.

All of these skills are addressed in the workbook. Get yourself one today!

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