Welcome to Solutions²!
Big Book


We are all looking forward to getting to know you. You will find a lot of very warm hearted people in this group. Feel free to "jump" in as soon as you would like.

Our primary objective is "like" that of an AA recovery group based on AA's 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. BUT, that initial primary goal HAS been expanded to include ALL addictions. This is a group for recovery from addiction to all things in life requiring recovery.

It is called SOLUTIONS² because the group shares thoughts and ideas on solutions for all of the types of problems and concerns that anyone of us may be having.

Recovery is an ongoing conscience effort that we worked for, One Day At A Time. The desired achievement is to help one and other IN that recovery. We all share common bonds of many varieties. No one here has to feel alone. We are here for each other. The ways of different people in the group, to help one and other, will be as different as the members themselves. Every hand held out, regardless of how ... is gold. This help should be filled with Patience, Love and Tolerance. We are all still learning. Tolerance of another's views will be something we practice. The freedom to express oneself will be welcome and respected. The group will help accomplish this by freeing members from worry about any breach of anonymity of any kind.

WHAT transpires in the group, will stay in the group. WHO you "see" here and WHAT you "see" here will STAY here. The point is to share with each other.

Share help... Spiritual, emotional and moral support. Sadness and its' tears...Happiness and its' laughter.... and even stories, experiences, jokes, poems and things that don't necessarily reflect a problem. We are an e-mail group for sharing and helping one another.

The flavor is not formal or rigid. There are no strict rules to follow to share. The idea is that there are people with a common bond. Whether it be addiction, recovery or problems in life in general, the goal is to share the recovery process and help each other on the road to Solutions².

The basic idea is to carry the message of Recovery, however, we can talk about anything anybody wants to. Since most of the members are in AA, a lot of what will be shared will be AA related. We can pick a topic to discuss, we can talk about the steps or traditions, Big Book, 12 and 12, how your day was, share your story of recovery, kind of like you would in a meeting. We can also post a joke, great quotes, Poems, ETC!!!!!!! Some of us send out Affirmations, Meditations, Prayers and quotes from our literature on a regular basis to the group.

We also have a web site we call "home". The SOLUTIONS² Home Page

The names and email addresses of our groups members are on this page. You can e-mail the whole group from the page if you would like to. A good thing about e-mail groups is that you can respond to any or all "posts" that you want to. You are NOT required to respond at all. You can read and respond to the posts from anyone at your leisure. Another point to enjoy about this whole idea is that we don't have to miss anything. In a regular meeting we might hear something that we would really like to remember but unfortunately tend to forget. Here - it is always there to go back to and read again if we wish.

Some time you may want to e-mail a peticular individual, THAT'S OK, no problem at all. Next to each members name in the web site is a link to their mailbox - just click on it to send them a post.

SOLUTIONS² was started December 13, 1996
by AA iou 1@aol.com (Kevin) after Solutions #1 became "Full".

In Friendship & Service Kevin K. aka AA IOU 1@aol.com

"God Loves You And So Do I"

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