This is a unique photograph of a combination that no other air force can boast of. In the foreground is a maritime strike Jaguar, recognisable by its characteristic nose cone, as opposed to the laser rangefinder seen on the nose of Jaguar strike aircraft. The Jaguar is carrying a Sea Eagle anti-shipping missile. The Sea Eagle is an all weather, day/night "fire and forget" anti-ship missile, powered by a microturbo jet engine. It has an onboard computer that guides the missile to the target until the target can be acquired by the missile's own seeker. The missile is designed to defeat sophisticated ECM and disable large ships including aircraft carriers. The MiG-29 in the background is carrying R-73 air to air missiles.

Here is another unique feature in a Jaguar configured for self-defence - with overwing pylons carrying "MATRA R-550 Magic" air to air missiles. The Jaguar also has cannon armament, and this aircraft can be recognised as being the land attack variant by the tip of the nose cone which shows the laser ranger.

The picture on the left is of a Maritime Jaguar carrying a Sea Eagle missile and an underwing rocket pod. Clearly visible is the starboard 30mm cannon..

Below is an artist's impression of a Jaguar dropping cluster bombs over an enemy armoured column. In the distance on the right, one of the bombs has opened to release bomblets which will pepper a wide area.

Jag droppng cluster bombs