This is where you will get your FREE tips & techniques on: brain power, super learning, memory, speed reading, positive thinking, lateral thinking, right brain secrets and more, all from a mind power world record breaker! mindwave mindware must not replace medication, professional counselling or any form of medical program. People taking medication or undergoing counselling should consult their physician before proceeding


Just in case you move it's too late for you to do anything about the quality of your brain, consider these FACTS. If your brain is adequately fed and exercised throughout your life, in time you will be more intelligent, your memory will be better, and your brain will be larger than it is today! even if you do nothing, it's likely That that at age 80 you will still have around 90% of the brain cells you had in your youth. On the other hand, if you abuse its you lose it!

Whether you are young or old, or in between, you will benefit by acting on some of the suggestions that follow. TOP

now a big yawn will also increase the close of oxygen to your brain and if you combine this with a 'King Kong' or 'Tarzan' exercise of thumping your chest, you will simulates your immune system, activate your thymus, and increase your energy level.

Remember when, as a child, you wouldn't be excused from the table until you'd finished your meal, and you used to try to hide that last piece of fish under your knife? Eating the crust on your sandwich was supposed to make your hair curly and fish was supposed to make you brainy.

All I can say is 5 last have been an expert at hiding my fish, as I was seriously considering starting my own elite group of thinkers called DENSA! TOP

SMOKING (Blegghh!)
Busy people still often lacks up a cigarette or have a strong cup of coffee to get their brain going. Indeed some studies have shown that within seven seconds of lighting up, nicotine simulates the production of some memory chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain, but the effects will only last for 15 to 20 minutes.

Unfortunately nicotine is also used in insecticides and rat poison, so it may be better to engage in 10 minutes of aerobic exercise each day, which will also simulate the production of memory chemicals in the brain, and lessen the likelihood of cancer or heart disease.  TOP

Caffeine may also interfere with brain efficiency. Putting jet fuel in our mental Ferrari may increase its speed, but you can be sure that after a few laps the engine will seize! Caffeine is not an brain booster. While it may simulates the body, it is also believed to reduce the supply of blood to the brain. Heavy caffeine consumption may cause chronic fatigue. Moderate to high caffeine consumption is linked with poor academic performance, so perhaps you could substitute decaf or a piece of fruit or fruit juice for that cuppa.

Also, we often become dehydrated, so regular sips of water throughout the day are desirable. Plain water is preferable, as it is the only thing you can ingest that doesn't lower your mental energy by starting the digestion process. A piece of fruit will also usually be better and a processed food, and is a natural source of glucose, which the brain loves.

While your brain comprises around 2 percent of your body weight, it drinks approximately 20 percent of your blood, burns two-thirds of your daily glucose needs. TOP

Nowadays more and more people are changing their lifestyles to improve their health, and yet most people fear losing their minds or going senile more than death. Alzheimer's disease is an underlying cause of death and ranks after heart disease, cancer and strokes as a leading cause of death. It used to be thought that Alzheimer's disease was a disease of old age, and yet more and more people in their forties and fifties are losing their memories. Either directly or indirectly, this situation will be experienced by one-third of Australian families. ( however, forgetting where you've put something doesn't mean you're getting Alzheimer's disease; that's a ' normal' kind of forgetting, and you can acquire skills to overcome it.) current research suggests that three factors may be involved in Alzheimer's disease: heredity, neuro-chemical deficiencies and environmental factors. Whilst we can do nothing about the first factor it may be wise tune counteract the other factors.

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In the same way that a correlation between smoking and cancer was put forward in the 1960's, people are now suggesting a link between aluminium and memory loss. If there is in imperfection in the workings of your brain, aluminium may accelerate the process. People who die as a result of Alzheimer's disease have large deposits of aluminium in their brain; they also have major deficiencies of a neuro-transmitter by the name of acetylcholine.

If you are at all concerned about these risks it may be sensible to change to a low aluminium deodorant and avoid antacids that are high in aluminium. Stainless steel or modern aluminium cookware with a non-stick surface may also be preferable to cook with. TOP

Lecithin ( especially if it contains phosphatides) is probably the easiest way to increase the production of acetylcholine in your brain, as it contains the key ingredient of choline. fish is also have good source of choline, as are peanuts, soy beans, wheat germ, calf's liver and oatmeal.

Finally, it's vitally important that you have a well balanced diet and adequate food intake as you age. As elderly people are usually less active than they were in middle age, they tend to eat only to-thirds the quantity of a decade or two ago. All too often there is not a great deal of variety in their diet, and their digestive system is not as effective as it once was. These three factors contribute to the sad fact that almost half our elderly relatives aren't getting their recommended daily allowances of essential vitamins and minerals.

The symptoms of a senile dementia include fatigue, forgetfulness, poor muscle coordination, irritability, depression, and lethargy. Increasingly, these are also symptoms of malnutrition. Many people diagnosed as having Alzheimer's disease respond remarkably well when given a multi-vitamin supplement. TOP

Stress is an enemy of memory. Memory requires body energy which is reduced by tension. If you put a cat or a dog in a stressful situation it will respond with t 'fight or flight' response as all its energy rushes to its body, not to its brain.

If you would like to lower stress and increase the flow of blood to your brain, all you have to do is stimulate a couple of neuro-vascular pressure points! (NVPP) With your head level, simply cup your hand and gently flatten it onto your forehead. Hold it there for at least thirty seconds and you will stimulate the flow of blood to your brain. You may even begin to feel the blood pulsate under your hand! Often we stimulate these pressure points without knowing why, especially when trying to remember an important bit of information!  

So if stress has been cause by an event in your life, simply stimulate these pressure points on your forehead (also known as emotional stress release points). At the same time, contemplate the event that caused the tension in a detached non-emotional way. The anxiety may then be dissipated rather than ruin your whole day!

Remember the mottos ' use it and improve it' and ' abuse it and lose it' apply more to your brain and memory than any other aspect of your life.   TOP

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