Universal Mind


Thought, Biophotons and a Holographic Model for Universal Mind
Encounter in the Holographic Network
Darwin's Computer

Who are the gods?
    What are they up to?

The Luce Gravel Chronicles
    What am I doing here?

On the Right Hand of God
     History of the Sacred Fungi

Thought, Biophotons and a
Holographic Model for Universal Mind

What is thought? We know that it happens in our mind and is related to electrochemical reaction in our brain. We use it to formulate and evaluate concepts. We know that we use it to send commands to extremities. We can use it to perform a signal action, like lift a finger, or issue a simple command like "drink" and the brain takes care of the details, sending the orders to raise the arm, reach for the glass and pour a mouthful down your throat. Are those subconscious commands, their sequence and timing also controlled by "thoughts"? And what about when the guy next to you lifts his beer glass and you automatically lift yours without really issuing a conscious command? Are these subconscious thoughts fundamentally different from conscious thoughts or do they produce a similar electrochemical reaction?

What is memory? It's a repository for thoughts, actions and experience, but how can it record such diverse input? Thoughts act in concert with memory to produce improved action, to plan future action or refine concepts that govern future action. This is core of our intelligence, but how does it work? What makes it go?

Primary Perception

In the 60s, Cleve Backster, a polygraph technician, hooked up the leads of his lie detector to the leaves of a Dracaena cane in his office. That simple act changed his life. He found the same kind of reactions in plants that he found in his human subjects. He rigged up a test that would dump live brine shrimp into boiling water at random times. His plants showed an "emotional" reaction on his instruments to the death of the shrimp. Backster hooked his wires to thousands of plants, each showing the ability to react to this type of remote stimulus. He then found ways to attach his electrodes to infusions of single cells. He tested amoeba, yeast and mold cultures, blood and even sperm. In all cases he found that there exists a primary communication system that carries the message of the dying shrimp to the plants or cells. He called this Primary Perception.

Further experiments showed that ANY emotional reaction or pain in the person caring for the plants was also recorded on the polygraph even though the subject was many miles away from the plant. Cleve is still at it today.

I have experienced this myself. One morning at dawn i awoke with a start with the knowledge that some plants i had planted and tended for some time were in trouble. I thought they were dying. I was 300 miles away, but i was so sure about it that i got on my motorcycle and went to check it out. Sure enough, that morning at dawn all the plants had been pulled up by the roots.

News of the plant's trauma was sent to me over hundreds of miles, just like Cleve said. So how does this work? There must be some sort of carrier wave, right?

Other experiments can give us some clues. Like this one performed on flatworms, documented in "Non-Human Thought", by Graven, published in '74.

"Some fifteen worms were placed in a small aquarium over which hung an electric light and which was equipped to give its occupants an electric shock. The light went on two seconds before the electric charge came, and very quickly the worms started to react characteristically to the shock from the time the light went on. Using scissors, the experimenters cut each worm in half and put the severed heads and tails into separate aquariums. The experimenters found that all the regenerated worms, both those building from the original tail and those from an original head, retained the memory of this training."
This suggests that memory is stored in the cells rather in the brain somewhere. It is a fact that no one has been able to locate a part of the brain that acts as memory. The brain seems to act more like a cpu than memory. If the brain uses all of the cells for memory, how does that work? It certainly must involve the DNA.

Photon: a unit of electromagnetic energy (light).

Fritz-Albert Popp is an expert on photons and he explains:

"Every chemical reaction takes place if, and only if, at least one of the reacting compounds is excited by a photon of suitable activation...

This means that (1) without photons chemical reactions are not possible and (2) the distribution of photons regulates the chemical reactivity in non-living and living matter."

Photons regulate chemical reactions. Like in photosynthesis, where photons are converted into sugars by chemical reactions in the leaves of plants. Photons are a carrier particle for electromagnetic interaction. So we can assume that thought and memory must involve photons in some way.


We think of DNA as a string of code, but it has other properties, as well. DNA is essentially a crystal and, like the quartz crystal, for example, produces a highly coherent signal. This DNA emission is known as a biophoton. It is light produced within the cell.

Dr. Popp again: is evident that the metabolic activity in animated matter is governed by biophotons since they (and only they) can be responsible for the triggering of all the necessary transition state complexes with activation energies in the optical range.

Even enzymatic reactions cannot take place without this activation by suitable photons.

Chemical reactions inside the cell are regulated by the DNA through it's emission of biophotons. So, in a sense, the DNA communicates with the cell via photons. Could this communications system extend outside the cell? Yes it does! All of the DNA molecules within a organism are firing in synch, like a laser. Instead of being in a beam, this laser light is flashing in all the cells at once. This is what is called a "coherent electromagnetic field", like a hologram.

What's a hologram?

Quoted from, "The Holographic Universe", by Michael Talbot

"To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam. Then a second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference pattern (the area where the two laser beams commingle) is captured on film.

When the film is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines. But as soon as the developed film is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears.

The three-dimensionality of such images is not the only remarkable characteristic of holograms. If a hologram of a rose is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to contain the entire image of the rose.

Indeed, even if the halves are divided again, each snippet of film will always be found to contain a smaller but intact version of the original image. Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole.

The "whole in every part" nature of a hologram provides us with an entirely new way of understanding organization and order. For most of its history, Western science has labored under the bias that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, whether a frog or an atom, is to dissect it and study its respective parts.

A hologram teaches us that some things in the universe may not lend themselves to this approach. If we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the pieces of which it is made, we will only get smaller wholes."

Holographic Memory

More from Michael Talbot:

"Similarly, it has been discovered that in addition to their other capabilities, holograms possess an astounding capacity for information storage--simply by changing the angle at which the two lasers strike a piece of photographic film, it is possible to record many different images on the same surface. It has been demonstrated that one cubic centimeter of film can hold as many as 10 billion bits of information. Our uncanny ability to quickly retrieve whatever information we need from the enormous store of our memories becomes more understandable if the brain functions according to holographic principles. If a friend asks you to tell him what comes to mind when he says the word "zebra", you do not have to clumsily sort back through some gigantic and cerebral alphabetic file to arrive at an answer. Instead, associations like "striped", "horselike", and "animal native to Africa" all pop into your head instantly."
So if memory is using holographic principles to store information, that info must be in holographic format to be recorded, just like computer data must be in digital format to be recorded on digital media.

Holograms in the Brain

Dr. Karl Pribram has this to say about how the brain produces images in the mind:

...A special set of issues is posed by the fact that images are produced by a brain mechanism characterized by a precisely arranged anatomical array which maintains a topographic isomorphism between receptor and cortex but which can be seriously damaged or destroyed (up to 90%) without impairing the capacity of the remainder to function in lieu of the whole. These characteristics led me to suggest in the mid-sixties that in addition to the digital computer, brain models need to take into account the type of processing performed by optical systems. Such optical information processing is called holography, and holograms display exactly the same sort of imaging properties observed for brain: i.e., a precisely aligned mechanism that distributes information.
The picture that you are seeing right now, the world in front of you, is not real. It is not a picture projected on a screen in your head, but it is generated by your brain. It is a 3D model of what is in front of your eyes. It is a hologram.

So the eye/brain action converts visual information into holographic format on the fly. At the same time it must record all other sensory input in the same holographic format.

So we have a consistent carrier mechanism that operates all through the system, from the DNA molecules in our cells to the internal functioning of the brain. That carrier is also deeply involved with memory. So the DNA acts like a cpu AND memory combined. It reads, stores and manages data holographically.

It makes sense that the action of the brain/mind produces thoughts as holographic information as well. So it would seem that conscious thoughts, sub-conscious thoughts, sensory input and memory all function using holographic principles. They interact to produce consciousness. There are some great advantages to using holographic principles. Again a few words from Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp:

"Biological Systems are governed by the special interaction of a coherent electromagnetic field (biophotons) and biological matter. There is a permanent feedback coupling between field and matter in a way that the field directs the location and activity of matter, while matter provides the boundary conditions of the field. Since the field is almost fully coherent, the interference patterns of the field contain the necessary information about the regulatory function."
A permanent feedback coupling between the cells and the whole organism. That means that the whole organism "KNOWS" what every cell is doing and every cell "KNOWS" what every other cell "KNOWS" at the same time. So this hologram being produced by all the cells is instantly sensitive to disturbance anywhere within the organism. That's the way a holographic system works.

This is the same communication system discovered by Cleve Backster in his work with plants and living cells. This is the same communication system my plants used to call me from 300 miles away. So, a human being is a local application of the same system of communication that is used by all other living organisms. And we have access to that system.

Holographic Universe

Now consider this. Every atom is a bundle of energy with charged particles whirling around each other. This action also produces a signal. The rotation of these particles are in sync with all other atoms of the same element. Essentially, the signal emitted by atoms also creates a hologram. So, the physical universe has a holographic component that is identical to the physical. The basic system used by living organisms to communicate at the cellular level is the same used at the atomic level. As Michael Talbot points out in the title of his fine book, we have here a "Holographic Universe".

If this is truly the case, then the holographic component of the universe is essentially the same as a thought. In other words, the holographic component of the universe IS intelligence in action. Using the holographic capabilities outlined here, the universal thought *KNOWS* everything going on within the system at all times.

Nested inside the super hologram of the universe are countless sub-holograms that are units within themselves in that they also *know* everything about themselves. The living organisms that contain DNA are one of those sub-sets. Those sharing the same DNA are another sub-set. Within the body we have multiple holograms nested inside the one for the whole body. All the cells of the body are in sync with each other and the universe.

The Holographic Model of Universal Mind

In this model, our thoughts are occurring within the same universal mind as all thoughts. This universal mind is the realm of all things spiritual. This universal mind is the combined output of the signals produced by an infinite number of nested holograms. This is the "God" that is in all things. The spiritual is not separate from the physical, but they are both components of the Whole. Neither is more important than the other; THEY ARE ONE!

What we think of as the spiritual world is a communications system used by all living things. So there are no spiritual entities we can meet that do not originate from a physical presence. The entire system could said to be memory. These entities are not supernatural spirits floating in the ether, but originate from physical life forms living in our environment.

The advantage to using this model is that it puts us on the track to understand many of the unexplained phenomena that we find in the world around us. In essence this model gives us a way to comprehend our Universe.

It explains things like remote viewing and out of body experiences quite well. Whereas the physical universe must be transversed from point A to point B, the holographic component of the universe is random access, like the ram in your computer. Any place within that holographic universe can be accessed instantly with the right "address".

It promises to inject some intelligence into biology and evolution. Fields of study such as the paranormal, faith healing and all things occult suddenly will have a mechanism that could easily validate their claims. Using this model our understanding of shamanism, ritual ceremonies and hallucinogenic plants takes a quantum leap. The words of so many mystics, sages and saints suddenly snap into focus. So this is what they meant.

Thought Comes First

Just like a computer, nothing happens without a command being sent.

Nothing happens that is not preceded by a thought. Your arm does not move by itself... your brain tells it to. An amoeba does not divide until told to... by an internal command. Commands make things happen at all levels of life. We humans have the crazy idea that we are the only species that has thoughts. Granted, we can entertain very complex thoughts. Our brain has lots of great features, our command set is enormous compared to the amoeba, but the basic system, the OS, has been there all along. Thoughts decide what commands to send.

When we observe the smallest critters in action we see them making decisions and acting dependent on what they sense in the environment. That shows thought. The mechanism that drives organisms to grow, reproduce and disperse is thought. The mechanism that plans strategies to accomplish these goals is thought. It is thought that drives the bus.

And of course, that is why thoughts have such power. Thought is the language that guides the universe.

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Cleve Backster's Primary Perception
Fritz-Albert Popp-Biophotons
"The Holographic Universe", by Michael Talbot

©2005 jim cranford