Signs of Health Quiz
All you need to know for this quiz is the basic signs of a healthy horse. Copy and paste this quiz along with your answers and click here to send them to me. Good luck!!
1.) The normal temperature of a horse is about how many degrees Celcius?

a. 32-33
b. 37-38
c. 40-41

2.) The breathing rate of a relaxed adult horse is how many breaths per minute?

a. 12
b. 14
c. 16

3.) The average horse produces approximately how many lbs. of manure a day?

a. 20 lbs.
b. 35 lbs.
c. 45 lbs.

4.) When a horse is drinking water, he normally does so without lingering in his action. So when a horse stands with his head hanging over the water trough, this may be a sign that he is suffering from:

a. Ringworm
b. Laminitis
c. Choke

That's it for the Signs of Health Quiz. Answers should be sent immediately to receive your award.
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