Horse Breeds Quiz #2
Test your knowledge of various horse breeds in the following quiz. Then copy and paste the quiz, along with your answers, and e-mail them to me here. Be sure to write Horse Breeds Quiz #2 in the Subject line.
1.) "Glass eyes", or eyes in which the iris is without pigment, is commonly found in the:

a. Clydesdale
b. Knabstrupper
c. Hackney

2.) The Hackney is a:

a. pony
b. horse
c. neither

3.) In American horse shows, the term
horse is applied to breeds over 14.2 hands. However, there are a few exceptions. Which of the following is not one of those exceptions?

a. Appaloosa
b. Quarter Horse
c. Thoroughbred

4.) An Anglo-Arabian is what?

a. An Arabian crossed with two other breeds
b. An Arabian crossed with a Thoroughbred
c. An Arabian crossed with a Standardbred

5.) Steeplechasing is dominated by which breed?

a. Standardbred
b. Thoroughbred
c. Saddlebred

That's it for the Horse Breeds Quiz #2!! Send your answers to me and earn an award.
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