Foaling Quiz
Think you know everything about foaling?? Well, try out your knowledge here and win an award!! Copy and paste the following quiz along with your answers and click here to e-mail them to me. Good luck!!
1.) The mare's udder begins to increase in size how many weeks before she is due?

a. 2 to 3
b. 3 to 4
c. 4 to 6

2.) Rising skin temperature, sweating, uneasiness, and pawing at the ground are all signs of the first stage of the birthing process.

a. true
b. false

3.) When a mare has just given birth, when should the umbilical cord be cut?

a. immediately
b. after several minutes
c. in 1 hour

4.) How soon after being delivered does a foal establish a regular breathing rhythm?

a. immediately
b. 1 minute
c. 5 minutes

5.) How long after a foal has been delivered does the placenta pass through?

a. 5-15 minutes
b. 15-30 minutes
c. 30 minutes- 1 hour

That's it for the foaling quiz!! E-mail me your answers soon and receive an award to place on your site!!
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