The Eyes Quiz
The following questions all pertain to the horse's eyes. See how much you know!! Copy and paste the following quiz plus your answers and e-mail them to me here. Good luck!!
1.) What is another name for a "glass eye", or an eye without pigment?

a. Ghost Eye
b. Clear Eye
c. Walleye

2.) What is the term applied to eyes that are too small, narrow, and squinty?

a. Pig's Eye
b. Slit Eye
c. Cow's Eye

3.) A "popeyed" horse is commonly:

a. Friendly
b. Mean
c. Shy

4.) Eyes that are distinctly blue are considered weak eyes because the color is associated with:

a. Disease
b. Pain
c. Blindness

That's it for The Eyes Quiz. Send me your answers today and earn an award to place on your site!!
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