What can i say about near dark?well i bought it on a whim on 2 disc dvd and was not disapointed. For those of you who dont know what near dark is, it is a 80's vampire flick about a young man taken into a group of imortals by a butiful young woman the group is led by Jesse, there muscile of sorts is Sevren, the rest are the butiful Diamond back, the hilarious and disturbing Homer, the slightly annoying Mae, and the newcomer Caleb. The acting in this film is great, all the actors seemed to be so submerged in there roles that you are lost in the excelelent western/vampire story. Violence in this movie is done in dark ways and very well insted of making a spectacle of it and thus making it humorus they put it in realistic amounts that make it disturbing and realy realistic, but it is still very super natural but its done so well you could see even the siliest things realy happening. this is the second greatest vampire film ever made (From dusk till' dawn is my fave.) and the charater of Sevren needs more circulation its a great charicter with some great one-liners.  