if I could choose one day remembering
they would crawl
just one special day
through woodland labyrinths
16 january, 1994
on which to hang my memories
in search of
i would choose a rainy day
fuzzy caterpillars
a soft feathery rain day
rainbow-black beetles
in that sunlit world
from clouds that drift
fragile trillium
upon the pebbly strand
without hiding the sun
pale lady's slipper
with fern-spear wands
with a rainbow arching
and shimmering agates
weaving magic
from ear to ear
each with its special story
around their heads
between the mountainous heads
mystery cloaked
they would dance in ecstasy
of the cascade range
in nature's robe
to the music
there would be a waterfall
this would be the day
of the thundering rapids
and a giggling brook
i would choose
pounding feet echoing rhythms
with children
this kaleidoscope of memories
of other ceremonies
laughing children
once danced upon that shore. i would place it in
feet deliciously wet
a picture frame
in the chilly flow
this world of yesterdays
of the snow-fed stream
collaged into one
towering trees
with matthew and me
with lofty rustling arms
protecting their innocence
in that once upon a time
from the curious sky
a long time ago.