Ollie On The Stage of 2002 Yes I Can! Award In NYC
Ollie Receiving The Trophy
2002 Yes I Can! award was hold in New York. Ollie was on the stage (left) and received the trophy (right)
2002 Tennessee Yes I Can! Award To Ollie
Ollie and Ann Marie in New York
Ollie at the 2002 Tenessee state Yes I Can! in Franklin, Nashville
Ollie and Ann Marie in New York for Yes I Can Award
Ollie is a popular kid in school. He and his classmates were visiting a museum about Indians
Ollie presented his poem "To NYC Fire Fighters" after the 2002 Yes I Can! award ceremony in New York City
Ollie was the youngest writter in 2002 Tennesse Mountain Writer's Conference
Ollie At Home
Ollie At Home (2002)
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