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There are a lot of people that I need to thank for all of their hard work and for just being there for me. The one that got me started on this Web journey was Christopher. He taught me HTML and helped me with graphics and tried so patiently to explain things to me. I know that I tried his patience at times, but he encouraged me to get into designing graphics and always sent me updates on new products and reviews of those products from the "Experts". I would never have bothered to get involved with the computer if it was not for him. He always preached to me to keep my HTML "CLEAN". Christopher, I really try! Christopher is a Webmaster at DevzoneWeb. Please visit him. www.devzoneweb.com

I also need to thank all of the "Free-ware" sites that I have visited. They have enabled me to get and use the little graphics that I have. Until I learn more about my graphic program and have the chance to make my own, I want to give thanks to these people for lending me their beautiful work. Please visit their sites! Absolute Graphics at www.grsites.com, GifArt free clipart graphics at www.gifart.com. These are the two I use the most. Thanks again, guys!

It is very important to give credit where credit is due! If I use anyone elses graphics, I will definately give you credit, a link, and a banner display. You have worked hard to create your work so that beginners like me can get ideas and use some of your graphics in the process. I truely appreciate that! Soon, I will be dispaying my own work. I am still a little shy! But, soon. Thank you again, to all of the countless tube sites and font sites that have left me amazed!

I would also like to thank my Sisters by Choice. The wonderful ladies of Women With A Unique Soul. Whenever I was down, or needed to vent, you were always there, and never judged or critisized. You accepted me, for who I am. I have grown to love you all, so very, very, much! Thank you all, for being there! To be a part of this amazing group, visit the site, herewww.womenwithauniquesoul.com.

A special thanks for all of my new friends on the web! Your friendship and support has meant a lot! I know that I will keep these friendships for a long time.(At least until my computer dies!)

My Family gets a special thanks. They are the ones that put up with my endless hours on the computer and for all of my techie talk. They help me out with the house when I get too busy, and drag me away when they think that I need to get outside! HA,ha,ha,...........But so true! Thanks again, guys for letting me be, well, me! Love you all!

This is it for now, but I am sure that I will have more Thank You's down the road.

Website designed and created by HOOVERCHILD.
