Division is an essentional component to mankind;it acts as a cultural buffer and refines the given cultures/ethnicities that it divides.All animals have a divisive mechanism that keeps their existance in balance with their surroundings. For Man,language was the sole component that kept everyone "in check".By its nature,communication allows the given "people(s)" a means of explaining everything,from the mundane to the supernatural,which in turn spawned the esoteric philosophies and organized Religion as we know it.
   Gradually,the cultural walls have eroded as one Culture found a way to dominate and consume the others as fire. By heralding in a uniformitarian socio-belief structure, Western Civilization has by definition,"caused the sun(or Light of "Wisdom")to rise from the West".
   i am but a miniscule example of this cultural coagulation,but instead of dwelling on the past,i will try--through the use of laced metaphor--share with you--who are still reading--a  REFRACTION of nonrealistic prose for a non-realisitic world that becomes even more so as the days grow shorter and the nights colder.
Time and Space answere to none but Itself;
in It, black holes are not an end but The Beginning,
Nebulae maybe where the heroes lie,
but where are you my dear?
If language divides Man and instinct divides Beast, what is the sum total of Division?
I?   You?   We?