The Hong Kong Porcelain Painting Club
The art of porcelain painting can be attributed to the Chinese and dates back to the eighth century. European potters, tried without much success, to replicate this beautiful and delicate art form and it was not until the early part of the eighteenth century that any form of breakthrough was achieved. French, Italian, English and German potters were soon producing wonderful works of art.

These days, this art form is not merely the domain of professionals, but also provides enjoyment to many around the world given the accessibility to materials at a relatively low cost.

The Hong Kong Porcelain Painting Club was first registered on 6 October 1999. It is operated by a group of dedicated women and is a non-profit organisation. The HKPPC holds an annual exhibition, donating their own works of art to raise funds for the benefit of worthwhile charities. This is our contribution to the community.
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