where kids talk about how they feel to be overweight or obese.
"i content with my size i mean i wish i was a little smaller but i  like my size overall. i don't get tease as much as i used to, i think its because we are with  more mature people ."
"being big its kinda  difficult you can't do as much as you would like to i mean we have more restrictions then ot?her people have."
"I don't have a problem with being big i mean i don't think its the size that matters i mean i have fun just like everyone else i'm pretty popular and no one really picks on me cuz of my size."
" being big is one of my greatest flaws, i  try to be thin and it doesn't work for me , i would like to be thin and get dates i mean most of  my younger life i was in depression becuz of my weight but im learning to just deal with it i am working on changing at least slimming down."
"Being big is hard, i try to ignore the comments and stares  but sometimes they get to me, most of the time not i think i built an immune system around that, its difficult being big like going up steps and participating in activities. I like sports but i can't play them im just too heavy and im trying to lose weight but food looks so good, i joined that ferucci weight loss challenge but its not working for me."