
Links to Homework Assignments

Welcome to the Homework Page

Homework Help in all subjects K-12

I am continuously updating this page as more material becomes available. It's non-profit and made for you in mind. If you have suggestions for any great sites mention them in the guest book. If there any questions you have re: search sites or any info not found here leave me a note and I'll research it for you.

Also if you find any dead links mention them and I will delete them.

A new site that I am including this week under Search Engines is Google. This is the best engine on the web. The address is: Google

In any case please sign the guest book and let me know you dropped in. I would love to hear from you.

Search Engines

Top Enrichment Sites for Kids

Homework Helpers

Preschool Sites






Encyclopedias and Research Links

College and Careers


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Well that's it. If you are still Very Stuck e-mail me and I'll see what I can find out for you. In the meantime study hard and do your best. It's an old fashioned recipe but it works. Einstein said that genius was 98% hard work . If you try your best and are determined you can achieve Any goal you set out for yourself. You are a unique human being and posess talents and gifts that nobody else in the world has. Use them !! Good luck ! Everything is possible to those who believe.

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