Hi there...
So, somehow you've reached here. And 'here' is my homepage, the place where I scribble and scrabble things...things like what I do, what I think (like about the chicken and egg conspiracy theory)...and you know, what ever kinky stuff that comes to my mind. C'mon in, check it out. About me, well...there is not much to tell...the name is Suraj (but you can call me Sarge or Surje, depending whether you respect me or love me ;) ) Career wise I'm stuck in Software Engineering, and though it does not suck much, there are quite many more things I wish I did You know...like professional mountain biking! or skydiving!, or maybe hosting a world tour TV show. Ah well, what the heck!

This place has short and long descriptions of some useful stuff that I have done. (and what others made me do!). Mostly technical stuff...computers, software, and the like. And some weird stuff too. Most of general nonsense is in the blog.

So, to summarize, this site is a collection of blogs, projects, tutorials, junk, thoughts, philosophies, more junk...you get the picture. And by now if I have not motivated you enough to move on with life, go on, roll over the menu.
And feel the phenomenon that is Sarge! (sound of thunder).



For the umpteenth time, this is not the Nike Logo, its something I cooked up in Gimp!
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(This thing has to be updated a much much more...and cleaned up of outdated info, which, unfortunately, out of my laziness, work pressure, and watever excuses that I can find, have not been able to do regularly. This is the second time I revived the site that I wrote this note...so you get the idea...)

BTW, if you find something disturbing, or conflicting with your principles on this site, send me a mail, and we'll fight about it. Its suraj dot email at gmail dot com