What's happenin' in Holy Trinity?

I am here to tell you about the current events and what will happen right here in our own school.

Shoe Collection
Catholic Schools Week

              What on earth is the shoe collection?

Last year Mrs. Kallback did a thing called the shoe collection. Everyone could bring in old tennis shoes or gym shoes. 8th graders would be at the front of the school taking the shoes and marking down who brought them in. If you brought at least one pair of shoes you would be able to come out of uniform. All the shoes they got they resused  by sending them into Nike. Nike then would make balls for the less fortunate. This year she decided to do it again and I hope all of you will consider sending in just one pair of old useless shoes. 


                                        Enjoy Catholic Schools Week!

The week of January 24th will be Catholic Schools Week, "Faith in Every Student." Here is a list of just some of the exciting things we will be doing.

Student Council will sponser a writing contest for grades 4-8
H.S.A will take pictures of each student to show off on our lockers
We will design a quilt square to display in the hallway
We should get in the spirit by decorating our classroom doors for this proud time
Some things you could do to help out is by nonparishable foods for the food pantry. Ask your
teacher for details about helping the needy.

Sunday January 30:
Open House fom 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Teachers are asked to be here to propmote our school.
8th grade students will be speaking at all Masses.

Monday January 31st:
Mass at 8:15. We'll end the mass by singing our school song.

Tuesday February 1st:
Program in Trinity Hall- it's about Abe Licoln
Grades k-3 go at 12:45 - 1:15             Grades 4-8 go at 1:30 - 2:00

Wednesday February 2nd:
Hot Lunch Picnic for grades k-3. You should bring a beach towel. You can listen to Beach Boys, it will be great. Grades 4-8 will have an ice cream dessert in classrooms.

Thursday February 3rd:
Mass for St. Blaise.
Also Teacher Appreciation Day so be nice to all your teachers.

Friday February 4th
Student appreciation Day and Crazy Hat Day!
You can dress down today. Wear a school sweatshirt and/or T-shirt. You can wear jeans and gym shoes. NO sweatpants!

We're playing BINGO too!
Grades k-3 from 10:30 - 11:30
Grades 4-8 from 12:45 - 1:45


                     Don't ya just love Advent?

Hey have you wondered what Advent is or what it is about? Do you confuse it with Lent?
Well then this is the place for you! I am here to tell you all about Advent and what it means! It's the time to get out those purple and pink candles. Catholics took them out yesterday or on Sunday, November 28. It is now the time to prepare for Chirstmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus. The candles mean something special. The three purple candles symbolize penance. In case you didn't know what that means it means sorrow or feeling bad for the things we have done wrong. The pink candle is used for the half-way point in this dark time.
The green wreath is in the shape of a circle. It symbolizes God's new life and his never ending love for us!



Lent is the 40 days before Easter. It usually is a time for going to Mass more often or giving up something you love (it can't be school). We fast, pray, and give up things for 40 days because that is how long Jesus was in the desert being tempted to turn away from God by the devil. For the Easter season we "wip our feet" in a sense before celebrating the love Jesus showed us by dying for us on the cross and rising from the dead. Make sure to keep in mind all the things God has done for us and will do during those 40 days before Holy Week
(just so you know Holy Week is the week before Easter).
