Seeing No Sickness,
Hearing No Sickness,
Speaking No Sickness,
Enlightened Ones Heal!

What is it about healing that makes people want to put it off until pain is constant and distracting from happiness, or at least until symptoms are persistent and apparently not about to disappear?

Is healing really so scary?

Is healing really so undeserved?

Is the ego so in control in other subtle ways that the goal of pain, sickness, and death is being secretly served despite otherwise healthy intentions?

In his historical ministry in Galilee and Judea, Jesus said we can choose the Kingdom of Heaven, glory upon glory, here and now. Yet his recorded deeds were strongly focused on what the common man would call "down to earth" healing.

Reflecting much the same principle, the final message in the book and movie "Field of Dreams" was: "Go the distance!" But the message of the prerequisite condition was: "Ease his pain."

Those who understand Jesus' Course in Miracles know that ultimately the easing of all pain requires going the distance. Teachers of God recognize that the broadest, fullest, and most wonderful healing requires giving everything away and following Jesus, which is to say giving away all ego vested-interests and choosing to go all the way to the experience of total enlightenment.

As with Lot in the Biblical book of Genesis, the guidance of angels to Teachers of God is: "Look not behind thee ... lest thou be consumed!" (Genesis 19:17)

There is a tendency of spiritual climbers to go up the mountain only so far, then stop, look behind them, and try to lend a hand to help pull up those who are still struggling. But we are told by the highest angels within us, "Keep your eyes focused on the peak of the mountain and keep looking up to the heavens, never looking back, because as you continue to move forward you create a vacuum and others are pulled up automatically in your wake ... and they experience healing as they are pulled up."

And so it is. But if someone says, "I'm in pain! Please help me!" the teacher looking heavenward does not ignore the call. It turns out that responding to calls for help does not require looking back. "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden," (Matt. 11:28) can be an invitation made while one's focus is on the highest heaven and on the heavenly result, with full awareness that all else is an illusion.

Sometimes human consciousness is neither ready nor willing to go the distance up the mountain and into our heavenly Home until there has first been some preliminary down to earth easing of most obvious down to earth pains, true or false?

The enlightened teacher knows that no one goes all the way Home until everyone goes all the way Home as one. This is the same as stating the obvious: as long as one remains in pain, one remains in pain. As much as a spiritual teacher knows to focus all attention on the highest heavens, he or she is invariably called upon at times to simultaneously as part of the process be an instrument for good old down to earth pain-release and healing.

The most wonderfully enlightened teacher of God is facilitating total freedom from all pain, all fear, and all guilt. But he or she doesn't shy away from answering calls which appear to ask for less than total help. After all, the help given is total anyway.

So the event which the common man calls "healing" is very much one of the assigned tasks of the enlightened spiritual teacher ... and the assignment comes from heaven.

Scribes and Pharisees might argue that since A Course in Miracles teaches non-doing and seeing everything as already perfect, it would not be kosher to pray for healing, which appears to be an act of both agreeing that something is imperfect and then trying to do something about it.

"Appears to be," is the operative phrase here. Jesus tells us not to worry about being kosher, and not to judge by surface appearances, which are inevitably not what is really going on. Jesus would say that just as sickness is not really real, so any conclusions one is tempted to draw about the healer have nothing to do with reality.

In other words, it might appear that the healer is seeing sickness, hearing sickness, and possibly even mentioning sickness in his or her prayer, but what is really going on defies imagination as healing happens despite all appearances.

So a place like the Miracles Healing Center in Wisconsin Dells, WI is using Course in Miracles principles and using enlightened teachers prepared by Jesus' Course in Miracles to bring about what men and women see and experience as honest to goodness down to earth healing.

Furthermore, in much the same way as Jesus did in Galilee, the Miracles Healing Center is sending enlightened teachers and healing missionaries to cities all over the world. "After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place ... gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases ... And he sent them to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick." (Luke 9:1-2; 10:1)

And as good news would have it, Salt Lake City is one of the places so blessed.

Advanced Teachers of God from the Miracles Healing Center will preside at a healing festival called "Advent of a Great Awakening" in Salt Lake City Friday night June 21, Saturday June 22, and Sunday afternoon June 23.

We encourage you to attend if you are pulled down by pain or a painful situation, feel stifled by fear or tormented by guilt, feel hopelessness or emptiness inside, or feel something always missing in an otherwise happy dream.

We especially invite you to be present if you are already on a healing and heart opening path and starting to crave a breakthrough experience into unbelievable wonder and joy never dreamed possible.

"Advent of a Great Awakening" has facilitated marvelous healings and spiritual breakthroughs in cities all over the country and will take place in Salt Lake City at the Science of Mind Church, 5448 South 900 East. There is no charge. However donations are gladly accepted since your support of a work which helps to spread A Course in Miracles is helping the Holy Spirit, and giving of yourself in every way is the royal road to healing and awakening.

Phone Barbara at (801) 688-5880 or Andy (801) 484-8470 for more information.

"Advent of a Great Awakening" is Christianity at its best, Christianity which the proverbial laughing Buddha would enjoy, Christianity which you cannot afford to miss.

Whether or not you can make it to Salt Lake City in person, the energy of this event will have its wondrous effects on you. One exercise you can use to prepare yourself is to chant over and over again aloud, or quietly in your spirit-serving thoughts:

"As I surrender to MY healing,
everyone is healed!
As I no longer delay MY OWN healing,
the whole world is healed without delay!"

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