"The Gales of August!"

A weak low pressure area begins to form in the prevailing winds off Africa. As air is pulled inward, the Earth's rotation deflects wind to the right causing whirling. Surface wind accelerates near the storm's center and is warmed by contact with the sea. High winds spiraling inward through bands of thunderstorms whip up ocean spray, which increases evaporation. The storm begins feeding on itself, using the evaporated warm water as additional energy. Rising air near the center of the storm condenses, creating heavy downpours and releasing heat that lifts the air further. This causes pressure to drop at the surface, pulling in more air and strengthening the storm.

An American Supreme Court justice announces retirement, creating a vacuum. Prevailing winds from the Supreme Court are moving in a continuing downward spiral as the illogical idea that sacrifice is a benefit to society continues to evaporate the rights of individuals. Warm surface winds from the latest national election rush in the direction of restoring America's original ideals and common sense. Thunderstorms from not truly "liberal" or "progressive" special interest groups are whipping up sprays of heated hatred and invective. Conservative energies are rising to strengthen the center of a growing storm.

Whether oceanic or political, hurricanes have a tendency to leave damage in their wake. August is hurricane season, and this August there are warnings of a season of turmoil.

Turmoil ... unless the experience of oneness with Jesus is chosen. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27-28)

Turbulence ... unless our holy spirit is not defended against. "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." (John 14:26)

Tumult ... unless the lessons of Jesus are working on us, lessons of His modern revelation: A Course in Miracles. "He need but call upon Your Name, and he will recollect his safety and Your Love, for they are one. How can he fear or doubt or fail to know he cannot suffer, be endangered, or experience unhappiness, when he belongs to You, beloved and loving, in the safety of Your Fatherly embrace? And there we are in truth. No storms can come into the hallowed haven of our home. In God we are secure." (ACIM Workbook: Lesson 244)

Christians praying intensely have seen phenomena that National Weather Service scientists have labeled "impossible" ... hurricanes veering 90 degrees to miss their projected target cities, thus saving many lives and great pain.

Who will pray so intensely that the United States Supreme Court be saved?

Misnamed "liberal" thought which permeates Supreme Court decisions in recent years maintains that individuals must to be sacrificed for the so-called "good of society." For example, see the recent decision that private homes can be confiscated if some "higher profitability of use" can be successfully argued by developers with political pull. (Kelo v. New London, 04-108).

No one bothers to argue that we are all in this together and if government facilitates the conditions for one to suffer, all will suffer ... if one is being sacrificed, all are being sacrificed. Although in a quirky story that elicits smiles, one man is arguing that since Supreme Court Justice Souter thinks it is alright for political pull to be used to confiscate any other citizen's home, why can't political pull be used to confiscate the home of Supreme Court Justice Souter? (See Angry Americans Continue Plan to Make Justice Souter a Land Seizure Example.

In the meantime, the weather forecast is for a Category Five political hurricane this season as President Bush's nominee to the Supreme Court seeks consent from the U.S. Senate. In the midst of these kinds of political cyclones, all but the most news-oblivious Americans are at risk of suffering unless they remember Who is really in charge.

The reason peace comes immediately to those who turn to God, or to Jesus, or to our holy spirit, is because the invisible and invincible power ever working behind the scenes for good is peace. Peace is already here, and to put all one's attention on peace is to experience peace.

With this in mind, let us happily pray during this storm-threatening season.

As Christians, we rejoice in our beloved unseen yet almighty power as we feel compassion for all those who are at risk of suffering from oceanic or political hurricanes this year. We recall windward residents of Florida and the Carolinas. We remember fishermen of Maine and Newfoundland. We think of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts. We lift up all political combatants and commentators, whether they be liberal-leaning, conservative-leaning, or utterly free of preconceived judgment. We hold all these dear ones in light and remind ourselves of these words of Jesus:

"Be comforted. You are not asked to do anything. There is a time to step back and that is all that is asked of you. This seems fearful because it is not under your control. But think a minute; stop and think honestly about what your control has done; what it has brought to you.

"It is not He Who would withhold the future and leave you fearful. You could not accept His 'yes' in forms you would not understand. Things still in time unfold as is appointed them, and many things remain undone as yet. Plans based upon intangibles cannot be fully shown to you. And what has not as yet occurred must be intangible. This phase of learning has a single lesson for all the forms your problems seem to take: To God all things are possible, but you must ask His answer only of Himself.

"Step back and do not dwell upon the forms that seem to keep you bound. You will have whatever you will need. God does not fail. But lay no limits on what you would give to Him to be resolved. For He can not offer a thousand answers when but one is all there is. Accept this one of Him, and not one question will remain to ask.

"Remember you need nothing, but you have an endless store of loving gifts to give. But teach this lesson only to yourself. Your brother will not learn it from your words or from the judgments you have laid on him. You need not even speak a word to him. You cannot ask, 'What shall I say to him?' and hear God's answer. Rather ask instead, 'Help me to see this brother through the eyes of truth and not of judgment,' and the help of God and all His angels will respond." (Special message from Jesus to Helen Schucman, October 5, 1975)

Such is true Christian prayer for our earthly brothers, remembering the truth when circumstances might tempt them to forget.

Then there is only peace.

"As Heaven's peace and joy intensify when you accept them as God's gift to you, so does the joy of your Creator grow when you accept His joy and peace as yours. True giving is creation. It extends the limitless to the unlimited, eternity to timelessness, and love unto itself. (ACIM Workbook: Lesson 105)

So no matter what storms are raging this August and beyond, we give to ourselves as we give to our brothers:

"My brother,
peace and joy I offer you,
that I may have God's peace
and joy as mine."

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