Information concerning the Melkotians of Theta Kiokis II

Order of UFP Admission: 26
Federation Catalogue Name: Theta Kiokis II
Planetary Classification: M
Indigenous Name: Melkot
Primary Star: Theta Kiokis
Galactic Coordinates: -76.9,  -145.9,  -12.7

        Melkot is the second of six planets that orbit Theta Kiokis, a
yellow star of moderate size.  Although it has been surveyed only briefly,
the planet exhibits Class M conditions in the lower atmosphere, in contrast
to the dense carbon dioxide cloud layers at higher altitudes.
        The Melkot, or "Melkotians," as they are sometimes referred to,
have limited physical bodies and perform all tasks using advanced psionic
powers.  They have squarish heads and thick, rough necks that narrow into
small abdominal areas with multiple tentacles.  Observation seems to
indicate that the Melkot hang in midair and move from place to place by
telekinesis.  They have great powers of illusion and can create within the
minds of other races intricate environmental scenarios that are
indiscernible from reality.
        Xenophobic in nature, the Melkot have established a vast array of
marker buoys beyond the limits of their star system.  These serve as
warning beacons to those who approach and provide mental communication with
the intruder spacecraft.  Only determined effort by the Federation has
convinced the Melkot to participate in a limited cultural exchange.

        The Melkotians are a telepathic alien race with whom first contact
was made in 2268.  The Melkotians spurned, by the use of an orbiting
warning buoy, the USS Enterprise's initial contact overtures.  When
Enterprise captain (James T.) Kirk ignored the Melkotian warning, the
aliens subjected Kirk and company to an elaborate charade in which images
from Kirk's memory were intended to be the devices of their deaths.  The
Melkotians' drama took the form of the famous gunfight at the OK Corral at
Tombstone, Arizona, on October 26, 1881, between the Earps and the
Clantons, a fight that the Clantons lost.  Kirk and members of his
Enterprise crew were to fill their shoes, but managed to avoid death in the
legendary gun battle.  Kirk was later successful in opening diplomatic
relations with the reclusive Melkotians.  ("Spectre of the Gun"[TOS]).
They were also referred to as the Melkots.

According to the Ancient history of their race presented by the Melkotians
to the United Federation of Planets, they have an ancestral memory that
dates back to 7 original elders.  It is apparently unknown if they
inhabited their current star system prior to that time or even whether they
existed prior to that time.  There has been some conjecture that the
original 7 elders may have been survivors of a starship catastrophe, placed
there by the preservers, evolved to the point of consciousness at that
time, or even that their existence there was due to an interruption in the
space time continuum resulting in creatures from the current future being
placed in the distant past.  If the last explanation were true, that would
be a proof of existence by temporally causal loops.... a philosophical
position that has yet to be proven with an empirical case.

        The Melkots do not use a vocal language.  They are able to
communicate directly with the minds of any and all other creatures and with
computers.  They have demonstrated an ability to communicate even with the
races thought to be completely immune to telepathic awareness such as the
Ferengi.  However, they are unable to hear raw sounds.  They could
understand a computer voice or recording as they can communicate directly
with the computer, but are unable to hear sounds such as two blocks of wood
being hit together.  Groups of them have demonstrated the ability to
project the equivalent of a holodeck in any place.  This has an added
degree of reality in that anyone within it would be unable to determine
that they are in one by using a tricorder or other standard sensing means
as within the simulation they would see the readings as different than they
actually were.  There is also an added degree of reality in that the
Melkots can take imagery already within the subjects mind to make the
atmosphere far more believable than a computer simulation.  This ability is
of great use in displaying technical schematics in 3D or with the Melkot
showing something that could not otherwise be viewed, such as a close up
look at a black hole or warp core explosion.  However, it should be noted
that a holodeck can also complete this task.  It is interesting to note
that individual Melkotians have never demonstrated this ability.  It is
felt by Federation Xenology experts that this may be limited to a group
telepathic communication.
        They are a very xenophobic race and their embassy on Terra is
usually vacant.  They are present for only the most serious of Federation
meetings, and even then they usually abstain.  They have only voted 4 times
in their 132 years of Federation Membership.  Three times in defense of the
Prime Directive and 1 time to increase the level of technology in a
civilization before first contact by the Federation could be initiated.
Therefore, it came as a real surprise to Starfleet when they received a
communication from the Theta Kiokis star system requesting an enrollment
place for Krwn.(see attached note concerning the first and at present only
member of the Melkotian race to join Starfleet)
        The Melkots only reproduce when one of them is damaged or killed.
They are able to transfer the total thoughts and experiences into the new
body.  Therefore, the population has remained a constant of 3,234,638,934
for the last 10,000 years.  Everyone on Melkot has a history back all the
way to one of the 7 ancestors. The time that the ancestors lived is unknown
since the Melkotians have only begun using the concepts of linear time
fairly recently... within the past 100,000 years.  Some very few have a
mere 200 - 300 lives since the ancestor.  Others have as many as 9000 lives
since then.  Naturally the fewer lives, the more clear are the memories.
Therefore, those with fewest lives are the authorities on ancient history
and those with most lives are given the most dangerous tasks.  In the event
that death occurs prior to memory transfer to a new body, then this number
is saved for use by another.   It is possible to transfer one's memories to
a maximum of two recipients at the time of death so the numbers can be kept
up.  The Melkots are extremely susceptible to damage.  A bump, bruise, or
splinter sends them into a coma.  A real physical injury that a human could
easily overcome would easily kill a Melkotian.  Their diet is most unusual
as it consists of any mineral crystal.  The consume on average 30 to 50
grams of mineral crystal per Terran week.  Physically the Melkotians have
an interesting set of vitals and statistics.  Their eyes actually emit
light.  They are able to endure a hard vacuum for several minutes, and
endure temperature ranges from -200C to +300C.  It is important to note
that the Melkotians are indeed members of the United Federation of Planets.

An interesting conversation recorded at ComCen on SB Delta between Krwn and
Solek of Vulcan explains the Melkotian philosophy briefly.  It considered
to be one of the strongest recorded statements of Melkotian survival

>Solek considered this then said, "Krwn, you can survive a hard vacuum.  You
>can survive in temperature ranges from -200C to +300C.  You eat mineral
>crystals and can go without food for weeks.  You don't even require water or
>any atmosphere gasses other than carbon dioxide, are you telling me that
>such wounds (reference to knife attack, 3 inch blade) would be fatal to you?"
>*Yes, we Melkotians have virtually no ability to absorb or heal from
>damage.  The best protection is to kill all who may do you harm.*

Special Notes concerning Krwn

On Stardate: 20613.0230 the UFP received a communique from Melkot.  The
Melkotians had sought to place Krwn into Starfleet Academy.  This request
was honored.  Krwn is one of the Melkotian doubles having an identical
twin, therefore he is considered more expendable by the Melkotians.  During
his 4 years at the Academy and subsequent service to the fleet, there have
been no other Melkotians leave the Theta Kiokis system as far as the UFP is
aware.  Also of note, Krwn has contacted them only one time during this
period, (again that the UFP is aware of).  This was immediately following
his graduation from Starfleet Academy.


