SD 8.XXXX to SD 81015

"Missing Signals"

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Senior Staff

Commanding Officer : Captain Dalia Mar
First Officer : Commander Aris Alkir
Operations Officer : Lieutenant Major/Lieutenant Scott Lancia
Chief Security Officer : Lieutenant Commander JT Montana
Chief Engineer : Ensign Julian Tifflor
Chief Science Officer : Ensign Edgar Johnson
Flight Control Officer : Ensign Jason Thelek Uvar

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The USS Phoenix was ordered to the Dendara System, a previously unexplored area, to investigate the origin and purpose of a signal coming from that system. The crew left Starbase Omega and headed directly for the Dendara system, located on the outer wall of the Cocoon.

Whilst in transit, several officers had the chance to trial the new Holosphere System - An advanced reality projector based on Holodeck technology. The system operated by decoding nervous system signals directly from the cerebral cortex, and then modifying them to the parameters of the recreational program.

The trial proved overwhelmingly successful - so much so that the crew members involved believed completely in the scenario they foresaw, and becoming unaware of the fact that it was all simulation. During the test, additional crew members were created to fill out the holoship's complement, and several fictional entities detailed to the point where the real crew still have trouble believing that they are not real.

The trial was successfully ended by the arrival of a new CEO & CSciO, who, working together, managed to shut the system down and revive the participating crew. Extensive counselling in the area of perceived reality was suggested and implemented.

When the USS Phoenix reached the Dendara System it conducted a preliminary reconnaissance sweep. It found the system to contain seven planets, three of which had natural satellites. Only the fourth planet (Dendara IV - Class M) showed signs of habitabilty. Just before completing a full orbit of Dendara IV, the Phoenix located a small metallic object in fixed orbit. The object was determined to be the source of the signal that the Phoenix had been sent to investigate, and the satellite was tractored into the Phoenix's shuttlebay for futher investigation and analysis.

During this time, an away team was dispatched to the surface of Dendara IV to look for signs of intelligent life. Not long after beaming down, the team located a city similar in architecture and design to that of the ancient Mayans (See Terran Cultures, South America, {Pre-Colonialisation, 1492}).

The city was deserted, and appeared to have been so for several thousand years. The nine main "tiered pyramid" shaped buildings were placed at the edges of the city on the eight points of the compass. The ninth, and by far the largest structure in the city, was constructed in the exact center.

The team found no markings, hieroglyphics, or images in any of the regular buildings. Only exception was the central spire. Upon reaching the top of the steep pyramid, one away team member found the small ante-chamber at the apex to contain a mural on the walls, and a star chart on the ceiling. The mural depicted life in the city, beginning on one wall and progressing through history as the mural moved round the wall.

It was noted that the final images on the far right wall had not been completed, and the preceeding images showed a firey object descending from a point on the star chart and bringing fear to the people.

At this time, the derelict wreakage of a strange spacecraft was found beyond the northern most pyramid. The image, reminiscent of pre-spaceflight Terran ideas of "Rocketship" technology, was investigated thoroughly, but could not be matched to any known race. Detailed study and carbon dating put the construction date at approximately BC.6500. It was during this chemical analysis that the residue of an extremely powerful biological weapon was detected.

It was suggested that the ship had unintentionally crash landed on the planet, introducing the biological agent and killing of all animal species on the surface (including the fledgling civilisation). It was further theorised that the satellite in orbit around the planet was a warning beacon, probably placed there by a different species. (Disparities between samples taken from the satellite, and the rocket indicated they were from different origins.)

Having decided that the they had missed the event by several thousand years, the crew of the Phoenix set course back to Starbase Omega, handing over the study of the planet to a specialised survey team, and bringing the satellite back to the labs at SB Omega for further study.


Mar, Dalia, [Capt]
Commanding Officer,
USS Phoenix (NCC-61580)
Lancia, Scott Alan, [LtMaj/Lt]
Operations Officer,
USS Phoenix (NCC-61580)