
Frequently Asked Questions about the Holoworld Fleet

What is the Holoworld Fleet?

The Holoworld Fleet, or HWF for short, is an on-line role-playing club which operates loosely in the world a few decades past Star Trek: The Next Generation. Members assume the roles of one or more characters and cooperatively write interactive fiction which develops the lives and careers of their characters.

What is the object of the game?

The object of the game is to have fun! There are many storylines proceeding at one time. HWF has been around for over ten years, so some of the characters are quite developed and have long histories. Others are brand new. There is no overall objective, but most of the action centers around a "mission" which is ultimately resolved, just as an episode of Star Trek would be at the end of the show.

I'm not a Star Trek expert. Can I still play?

YES! You do not have to be a Trekker or Trekkie to play. If you have watched a few episodes and you would like to join in, feel free. There is plenty of information on Star Trek on the WWW, too...

I see instructions to "go somewhere". How do I do that?

HWF is a complete world in virtual reality. We "go" places by the subject line in our posts. When you are told to "go" to the personnel office, you do this by posting your message with the subject line reading "Personnel Office". This enables everyone involved to find the notes they are looking for.

Sounds interesting. How do I join?

You join HWF by filling out the application form on our site. The Fleet's Personnel Officer (PO) will then contact you with further details on how to proceed.

All new members begin as Cadets, newly assigned from Starfleet Academy to the Cocoon Academy. You will take a shuttle to Starbase OMEGA on the moon Demeter in the recently discovered Cocoon for your final training before receiving a regular assignment. More details on this will be provided by the Fleet PO upon receipt of your application form.

The Fleet PO will assign you to our training ship under the tutaledge of the Chief Training Officer (CTO). There, you will spend from a few days to a few weeks working with instructors and fellow Cadets to acquaint you with our style of role-playing. Depending on your skill and frequency of posting, you will then be assigned to a position on a starbase, starship or special unit.

What happens once I get assigned to a ship?

You will report to your captain and then you will be assigned to a position. Your ship may be just getting started or you may be joining a mission in progress. Either way, plunge in. Imagine yourself actually being in this world. You are a new Ensign. You will not know your shipmates nor the routine of the ship. That's what you are there to learn. At the same time, you ARE a Starfleet officer and you will be expected to be able to contribute to the mission. Add your own ideas and complications to the story.

How do I get promoted?

Your early promotions are made by the captain of your ship. They come fairly quickly as you get into the swing of things. They are mainly based on the frequency of your posts and the quality of your contributions. As you rise higher in rank, it takes longer to move up.

I have some friends here. Can we be on the same ship?

Over the years we have found that role-playing works best with people that you know only (or at least primarily) online. We try to discourage people who already know each other in the outside world from being on the same ship. This is because you will build up a mental image of the people you play with. If you know them in real life, this image is destroyed and it seriously degrades the vibrancy of the experience. Remember, you do not enter the HWF universe as yourself but as another character--one that is perhaps braver, smarter, more attractive, or just more interesting and exciting. This is an illusion but to make it work there must be what is called "a willing suspension of disbelief." However, we believe that it is great fun to bring your friends into this game as well. Reading about the life of your respective characters and comparing your adventures can give you a blast of a good time.

You will find that the experience will draw you in and become real in strange and unexpected ways. For that reason, we ask that you NOT use your real name for your character.

How do I learn more?

The complete description of the HWF and its rules and style is available in the HWF Manual.

Enjoy yourself! Your shuttle to the twenty-fourth century leaves momentarily.

If there is anything we can do to make your role play more enjoyable, please let us know.

This document was written by Tatya, with revisions by Clark and Ruud.
© 1999-2007 Holoworld Fleet