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April 7th 2003 [6:31 PM]
Well only a month gone by huh...  I added an old poem called Blind Flame.  I also added Nikki to the Friends page.  Besides that there isn't much new...

March 6th 2003 [7:23 pm]
Once again, it's been a long time...  The only thing I really updated was my about me page and I added some of my new poems...  That's all for now.

December 28th, 2002 [2:33 PM]
Dear gods...I need to update this thing more.  Well I put up a new thing called Top Five...I got bored.  ^_^;  I updated my "about me" page...  I think I'm gonna go add some more lyrics to my lyrics page, got some new songs I love.  ^.^

October 21st, 2002 [5:57 PM]
Christ, it's been a long time since I last updated anything at all on this site.  I made two new poem things...  I think I took ALL of the midis off.  I decided they even annoyed me, so I just got rid of the damn things.

September 6th, 2002 [9:55 PM]
Look at that...I'm back on a norm schedule again...  Well anyways, not much of a huge update.  I just fixed a few things and I'm gonna work on a non-midi version of the page...  Man this is gonna be a pain in the ass, but I'm bored.  Alright well that's all for now.

September 2nd, 2002 [7:08 PM]
Added a new song to the lyrics page (The Journey by Karnataka).  I also added a new poem thing to My Poem/Lyrics thingys page called White Dress...  Umm that's all for now.  Until then...

August 21st, 2002 [8:56 AM]
Woke up at 4 today and haven't fallen back asleep...dammit.  Well I've been adding midis like there's no tomorrow...  Sorry to all who don't like them.  Maybe one day I will make mirror site without music...maybe. I added Dead King to my poem thingys page...after like forever.  Things old now.  Well that's about it.  Later.

August 20th, 2002 [6:05 A
my drawings into the lot along with my stories...that's all.

August 19th, 2002 [1:19 A
the Fashion section is up and running now.  I uploaded all the stuff on my I have to start scanning.  Well I'll get to that later.  Until then, enjoy...

August 18th, 2002 [12:17
Just created this Updates page...  I also added a new song to
lyrics (one that I forgot to add a while ago) and I also added to the end of all the lyrics a "why I like this song"  Well that's all for now.