Hannah's 11 month pictures: Wow I can't believe a year has almost passed and Hannah will be one year in a couple of weeks!  She is getting so big now and is turning into a big girl toddler!  She babbles all the time and says bubble really well - she LOVES bubbles!  She can pull herself up to stand, walks with our help, crawls everywhere, & eats just about everything (and makes the cutest little face when she really likes something says "mmmmmm" and scrunches up her eyes)  She is really exploring her world right now and examines every little thing.  Hannah loves the dogs and still tries to play but mostly enjoys kissing them and gives them hugs when they allow it.  Right now her two beanie babie pugs are becoming her favorite toys.  Her face lights up when I let her play with them.  Of course she has to play with both of them.  Today is Mothers day and I had my first and best mothers day ever!  Dave and Hannah made me a special breakfast we ate outside of waffles, fresh squeezed OJ, and even Godiva truffles for dessert. 
Dave and Hannah made me a mothers
day card with a handprint.  Boy Hannah's
hands are big!  We will be celebrating
Hannah's bday early on the 19th in Utah.
  I will be making a butterfly cake and
have some balloons.  We are looking
forward to it.  :)

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