Ah yes, Hokuto's lovely closet! This is the place where all the odd's n ends of hokuto's wardrobe live. Feel free to browse around, and make sure to check out the links! Thanks for visiting Hokuto and my site, we hope you liked it!
Bye bye!
Pics coming soon!
Feel free to link to RAINBOW FLASH! I'd like an email if you plan to link, so I can link back to you! Hokuto and I are quite flattered you want to spread the fashion-love-love! And it does wonders for Hokuto's already enflamed ego ^.~
D-MODE~the fashion of Count D
This is the site that spawned the RAINBOW FLASH brainchild! This is Val's SPECTACULAR site, dedicated to Count D of Pet Shop of Horrors! She's an amazing web designed, and I envy her talent! Please take a look, you won't be dissapointed!
Coley's Site of Cuteness! Check out her awesome cosplay pics! I should upload some of mine on here.......