Benjamin Michael McCorrmick was born October 1st, 2002. His parents, Bob and Anna McCorrmick, are very proud and love to have their handsome baby boy shown to the world. Ben is also Clint's nephew (Because Clint is Bob's brother). Here are the pictures Clint has taken of him.

Feel free to look through and copy any of the pictures you want (To copy, right click the picture you want and select "Copy"). If you want a description, just set your mouse cursor over the picture and a tan box with the description should appear.


On mother's day, Ben and his father, Bob, showed that Ben now is a fan of some solid foods.

Ben is now a little more  casually dressed on mother's day.

At 7 months old, Ben can already sit up and watch his uncle Zach play videogames.

Okay... I think it's safe to say this kid has been around a camera a couple of times...

... But with a mug like that, how could you NOT want to take a picture?

Ben is still facinated that he has a tounge, so he has to show it off.

Ben is very aware that he is so handsome, but feel free to tell him anyway.

Ben is very happy today...

Uh oh... Ben has taken an interest in the camera...

... AHHHHH!!!

Ben is just chillin' on the floor here...

... And here he looks intoxicated sitting on the floor.


I think these guys were kinda caught off guard in this photo.

Ben and Clint look a little more prepared for this shot than the last one

Here's Ben showing off his tounge... AGAIN.

Ben became easily distracted in this picture by the carpet, since it does so much.

It's time for Ben to go away... but he'll be back again someday.

Ben is 9 months old in this picture. He likes to hang out with his favorite uncle.

Here's Ben at ten months old. He's still missing some teeth, so he still can give that funny look.

Here, Ben is playing with his dad (Clint's brother Bob). They are having more fun than this picture illustrates...

... This picture better illustrates how much fun they are having.

Tell me you cannot tell these 2 are related... yeah, you can't.

And of course, while taking another picture, Ben gets distracted.

This is the last picture Clint has before Ben Turn the big 1 year of age. :)

Here's the runner and the cutie in the family.

Ben is showing us that he can now stand up and walk (and yes, he is happy about it).

Clint and Ben are hanging out after they ate on Thanksgiving in 2003.


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Specific Events with Ben (Click the link to view)
Ben's 1st Birthday Party

Click a catagory for more pictures.
Christmas 2002 Pets Ben Family Friends Apartment Snow Storm Las Vegas Holidays 2004