Forgotten But Not Gone
An Archive of web pages copied from the net and stored locally so that when
they disappear from their original location, they will not be gone for good.
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Todd Who??
Not only is this guy an extraordinarily successful producer - he's done everything from the New York Dolls to Meat Loaf to XTC - but he's a musical polymath. Plays guitar, keyboards, horns, who knows what else; has a huge vocal range; writes prolifically; and at least on most of his early records, proves himself with a dead-on command of melody, harmony, and arrangement. Problem is, Rundgren has a habit of derailing his career with ambitious, idiosyncratic production experiments that antagonize the critics and confuse his fans. Meanwhile, his lengthy digression with the somewhat faceless pop-rock group Utopia resulted in a lot of entertaining albums, but not a lot of commercial success, locking him ever more tightly into the image of a cult star.   - Wilson and Alroy's record reviews

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