September 24, 1998
Transcript of Yahoo! Chat with Todd Rundgren

Todd RundgrenYahoomc: Welcome to Yahoo! Chat! Todd Rundgren is with us live!

donny_52 asks: Has patronet improved your ability to get music to your fans?
Yahoo_TR: I can certainly get it out quicker.

underearth asks: What's the deal on this subscription to an artist? can common man afford it?
Yahoo_TR: If you can afford a CD, you can afford it yes.

FuzzyBlueGorilla asks: I heard your next project was to add multimedia content to your previous albums?
Yahoo_TR: It's hard to say what my next project is, theres' probably about 20 of them.

JHstrings asks: What's your favorite guitar to play live?
Yahoo_TR: I have a foam green P-project (japanese) strat style.

boxears asks: Do you produce "no-name" bands? If so, how do you decide which band to produce?
Yahoo_TR: I don't care about the name but somebody's gotta pay for the record. So they usually have a label.

Bugzee7 asks: Todd - I am a huge fan and a multimedia artist - i'm interested in what you think of the web and where do you think its headed ?
Yahoo_TR: It's all about convergence baby! The iMac is just a television with a computer inside.

duckbeat asks: tr-i....what made you go bossa-nova? It's brilliant!!!
Yahoo_TR: Someone asked me to do my personal standards, and I was thinking about South America and ba-da-bing, there you have it.

donny_52 asks: Any more CD's like No World Order for IBM CD Rom in the future?
Yahoo_TR: I've actually been recovering all the old files from No World Order in preparation for possible new applications.

_JELLY292 asks: Todd, That Seventies Show used your song in the storyline of the first episode. What do you think of the show and its camp value?
Yahoo_TR: I dont normally watch sitcoms but I would have to have a soft spot for that one. I find it amusing on occasions.

Starbuffalo asks: Todd, what are you devoting more time to music or computer generated stuff these days?
Yahoo_TR: The computer doesn't generate nothin' I still have to do all the work and I just finished a new piece of music this weekend.

sadie6_98 asks: what is Patronet?
Yahoo_TR: PatroNet is a way for creators to get underwriting directly from their customers using the web.

daltx752 asks: hey todd...what record did you make that you like the LEAST?
Yahoo_TR: My least favorite is probably ever popular tortured artist effect.. I knew I was just crapping it out.

wackywabbit1 asks: Did you know you were going to be a musician from the get-go or did you have other aspirations growing up? If so, what were they?
Yahoo_TR: Pretty much knew, yeah.

mathdrum asks: What's up with the Channel Surfing a new album in the works?
Yahoo_TR: Since PatroNet, an album is always in the works. You could say the tour is a progress report.

javanut2000 asks: What music are you listening to???
Yahoo_TR: I will tell you exactly the last thing I listened to .. and it really's some classical music called Atlas by Armand Frydman.

Mike_Shawaluk asks: Todd, any chance you'll try any other musical styles a la "With a Twist"?
Yahoo_TR: I tell ya, I ain't thinking country.

jeremy_ek asks: todd, will there be a follow up to "with a twist" considering the number of reworked tunes on the tiki tour? perhaps outtakes or a live album? fabulous tour btw.
Yahoo_TR: Unfortunately, we didnt record any of the latter part of the tour where we were actually playing we don't have any decent live recordings as of this date.

Yahoo_TR: Fascist Christ, it has everything.

don_barragiano asks: Are you incorporating any World Music into your new music?
Yahoo_TR: My music is always worldly.

mr335 asks: I understand you are looking at several movie deals....anything you can tell us ?
Yahoo_TR: I'm not sure where that rumor comes from, I dont have any movie deals currently under consideration.

Daisy13wa asks: todd if you will tell us who your favorite musician are?
Yahoo_TR: Of all time? ... Elvis Costello, Bill Evans, Jimi Hendrix, Maurice Revel

Hokemjaye asks: Todd my uncle is a HUGE UTOPIA FAN and introduced me to your music. Can you tell me what inspired the "Healing" album?
Yahoo_TR: I felt sick.

bryandoherty asks: How is Hawaii
Yahoo_TR: Always ono

astrain asks: What are you currently working on?
Yahoo_TR: I'm working on the next version of my Tuner.

SnydeBoy asks: so does this mean you're still a Mac user, Todd?
Yahoo_TR: That is correct.

underearth asks: Todd, you ever been in a cave?
Yahoo_TR: We have lots of caves in Hawaii.. I've been in a few.

underearth asks: Is your promotional tour for patronet or a new album?
Yahoo_TR: It's PatroNet promotion. There is no new album as of this writing.

underearth asks: Where do we sign up?
Yahoo_TR: Go to -- follow the breadcrumbs to the subscription area.

KennyKiskis asks: Why did you cover the Beach Boys' "Good Vibrations"?
Yahoo_TR: It was an influential tune when I was going professional. That's what the album Faithful was about.

UTOPIAAIPOTU asks: What do you recall about your work with Badfinger - producing Straight Up?
Yahoo_TR: It went by really quickly. Making the record was easy, living with the band afterwards wasn't.

KickAssKymmers asks: do you surf?
Yahoo_TR: I don't even go in the ocean except up to my knees.

Brett_Bayne asks: Is "Cliche" your favorite TR tune? You always seem to play it live.
Yahoo_TR: There's a bunch of songs that I depend on when I have to do a live performance. If you're bored with it, I'll stop.

dynasonic asks: Todd, how many guitars do you have in your collection now?
Yahoo_TR: I'm not a collector, so I only own one important guitar.

Hokemjaye asks: What is the song "Golden Goose" about?
Yahoo_TR: It's about people trying to get something for nothing.

drcls asks: Do you like strong coffee?
Yahoo_TR: Yes I do, but only at certain times. I've learned to control my habit.

jefftune asks: Why did you cover Elvis Coslello's "Little Hitler"?
Yahoo_TR: Cause I wanted to.

owenmeany1969 asks: What was your early musical training?
Yahoo_TR: Negligible

donny_52 asks: How much of your material on line do you control and is that a problem for someone who's lively hood is making music?
Yahoo_TR: If you mean MP3s floating around, it's never bothered me, but it doesn't mean it won't ever bother me.

JHstrings asks: Do you still have your home in Woodstock?
Yahoo_TR: No I don't. We had an estate sale and everything ... Long gone

sadie6_98 asks: Are you producing any new music these days?
Yahoo_TR: I finished an album in May that won't be out til Feb... and that's the only thing recently.

boxears asks: What was your favorite project?
Yahoo_TR: Different projects are satisfying for different reasons, or not

MODsterGR1 asks: Todd, are you still (or have you ever been) into MOD music?
Yahoo_TR: I'm into MOD but there's not a good cross platform technology for playing them. There's a player for Mac called PlayerPro which is the best I've seen. There may be Windows versions too.

boxears asks: Didn't you "invent" the idea of "multi-media?"
Yahoo_TR: No, I coined the term Interactive Music, but that's all I'll lay claim to.

Hokemjaye asks: Where did you get the concept for the song "Lockjaw". That one is my favorite.
Yahoo_TR: It came to me in a fevered dream.

sm_steve asks: Todd tell me what I`ll get with the "Faithful Package?
Yahoo_TR: You get online access, four CDs in the mail, but no video and no autobiography.

Yahoo_TR: I only listen to the radio, if I listen to anything.

Bugzee7 asks: Will you be recording with any of the old band members and are you guys still in contact ?
Yahoo_TR: I have spoken at least once to everyone in the band in the past year, but that doesn't mean anything.

angelsluv1 asks: todd,do you prefer composing with guitar,the puter,or piano (in general)?
Yahoo_TR: It depends on the song...mostly piano, sometimes guitar, but more and more computer.

KickAssKymmers asks: how long is your hair?
Yahoo_TR: It doesn't cover my breasts yet.

Arsonsmith asks: Do you still enjoy touring?
Yahoo_TR: I like playing, I dont like traveling.

lwintercamper asks: Todd do you have a home page? What is it?
Yahoo_TR: It's

michaelk67 asks: Do you find any musical talent in the newer groups today or find yourself listening to older tracks of other groups other than your own music ?
Yahoo_TR: The age doesn't much matter to me, it usually takes months to years to get perspective on what's currently happening in music, so I don't necessarily listen to brand new groups. I pick up on them after the second or third album.

Mike_Shawaluk asks: Did you play any instruments on Bougeous-Tagg "Yo Yo"?
Yahoo_TR: I dont recall doing that, no.. I might have yelled something

donny_52 asks: What is "the number 1 lowest common denominator"?
Yahoo_TR: sex

HermanGlimpshire asks: Have you become interested in slack key guitar since moving to Hawaii?
Yahoo_TR: I know a really great player. His name is Ken Emerson. He has an album called Slack and Steel -- check it out.

wackywabbit1 asks: Todd: Who did you listen to (musically) when you were growing up?
Yahoo_TR: Well the Beatles of course, I was still growing up at that point... Motown... whatever was on the radio. I didn't have a record player.

rbmorris_47 asks: Quite some time ago you played amazing guitar with a guy called Steve Hillage on his "L" record. Do you know what happened to Steve and is he still playing
Yahoo_TR: Actually Steve, I think he still plays, but he also produces rave style music in England. He's done a couple of successful albums.

romo_romo asks: TR-i, what have you learned by using the direct delivery model to distribute content?
Yahoo_TR: The customer is not always right, but you have to pretend they are.

karenpals asks: Question for TR: MP3 file format doesn't seem to have copyright protection. Liquid Audio does. When we get to download your songs on PatroNet, can they be copied to our other computers, machines, etc.?
Yahoo_TR: The songs that are downloaded are not copy protected and can be played in any MP3 player. That may change.

perper asks: Todd, any software plans like flowphazer or..anything??
Yahoo_TR: Me and Dave talk about rereleasing flowfazer all the time, one of these days we may actually do it.

bryandoherty asks: Todd did you like playing in Central Park
Yahoo_TR: I enjoyed it. It was better than playing the Pier

mr_radio_97 asks: How many days out of the year, are you on the road?
Yahoo_TR: Not many, maybe as many as 60, but less than 90

sk_i asks: Is 'Buffalo Grass' complete yet?
Yahoo_TR: It's been on hold while I've completed my Christmas song for CD Now

UTOPIAAIPOTU asks: anytips on home recording? equipment wise...
Yahoo_TR: Gotta get a good computer... this Christmas song I recorded I did it competely digitally.. it was loops and samples, so you can make a song using just a computer and I did it on a Macintosh 8500.

internationalwaters asks: Todd, Where is the strangest place you have performed?
Yahoo_TR: I think the strangest gig was in Paris in an old theater and a girl dressed like a spy walked up to the stage in the middle of the show and pointed a gun at me. It was some game they were playing... it was a real looking gun.

underearth asks: You produced a Patti Smith album, do you ever have contact with her?
Yahoo_TR: I see Patti everytime I'm in New York.

bossman54 asks: Do you wish to teach anything with Patronet or is it entertainment only?
Yahoo_TR: PatroNet has no agenda except to help people deliver services online.

GratefulDyke asks: Todd, hooked into your webpage a while ago & wished i could have "joined-up" & helped with your ongoing projects. but $ was/is tight. are you still offering the same presently?
Yahoo_TR: Things haven't changed since the original site went up, so the price is the same, yes.

StevieH_1 asks: Do your fans sometimes just drive ya nuts?
Yahoo_TR: In a good way

Tim_n_Susan asks: When are you going to be on Politically incorrect again? Are you and Bill Maher Buds?
Yahoo_TR: I'm going to be on November 5th with my old bud Bill.

ladysandra asks: I loved Jon Andersons Holly and Ivy..and Jethro Tulls and ELP's Christmas yours anything like these?
Yahoo_TR: I'm not familiar with those tunes. Let's just say its not your typical Christmas carol

its_only_rock_n_roll asks: Todd - who would you have liked to play with that you never had the chance?
Yahoo_TR: Jam with Jimi

Technica1 asks: Any other artists in line for PatroNet yet?
Yahoo_TR: WE are in discussion with other artists but not at the point where we can discuss anything. Some of them still have record deals.

One_Ring_To_Rule_Them_All asks: Todd, what do you think of Paul McCartney's Standing Stone? Are you working on any classical music at this time?
Yahoo_TR: I haven't heard it. I haven't heard much to recommend it. and I'm not at the point of making such a gesture to classical music.

ladysandra asks: What female vocalists do you enjoy?
Yahoo_TR: There's a great singer that few people will hear named Julie Christiansen. I like Fiona Apple, I find her believable. Everyone else seems like they have the hiccups

Brett_Bayne asks: Todd, did you hear Billy Bragg's cover of Just One Victory? What'd you think?
Yahoo_TR: Did I tell you that I discovered Billy Bragg? Billy's the coolest.

duckbeat asks: I admire your "independent' marketing skills. However, I'm roadkill on this info-highway. How can my band market product in a similar manner as you?
Yahoo_TR: PatroNet is supposed to help novices onto the superhighway without getting creamed. In a few weeks, we'll be publicising all of the details... so hang on to that thought.

stoshualist asks: if Marilyn Manson Fell in the woods, and you didnt see him fall, did he really fall?
Yahoo_TR: And will he rot completely before the sound reaches your ears.

ladysandra asks: You've had and have a long career, an exception in this BIZ..what do you think was your staying secret?..besides talent
Yahoo_TR: Viagra

ladysandra asks: do you find producing more satisfying than stage?..or opposite.!!
Yahoo_TR: Each keeps the other from getting tedious.

mathdrum asks: When will patronet be complete as advertised?
Yahoo_TR: Let's just say October. November.

Lockjawz asks: Todd--how did the Splendor disc turn out? Are you pleased?
Yahoo_TR: That's Splender ... finished it in May, out in February, not sure I remember.

Arsonsmith asks: Have the Residents CD-ROM projects influenced you, or vice-versa?
Yahoo_TR: I think we've taken different approaches. They're more storytellers and the music and the visuals have more to do with each other. For me the music is a predominant element.

kowwish asks: Record labels seem to be trying to figure out what the 'net is all about. Are they closer to "getting it" or doomed to the fate of the Edsel?
Yahoo_TR: Record companies are good for getting new artists started. They can use PatroNet just as easily as an artist who already has an audience.

rossmk asks: What's on your Powerbook?
Yahoo_TR: Netscape communicator running Yahoo! right now. Director 7 and TR TV.

Arsonsmith asks: Todd, can you pick one song from another artist that makes you say "Damn, I wish I wrote that!"
Yahoo_TR: I can pick hundreds. Most songwriting is copying other songs and not getting caught.

mr335 asks: uh...Todd...I saw you one night on Politically Incorrect...were you wearing a skirt ???
Yahoo_TR: It's called a pareo ... formal garment for South Seas gentlemen.

bryandoherty asks: Hey Todd - why not go Gospel for a shot.
Yahoo_TR: I tried it once. I got sunburned by the holy ghost.

DudleyD29 asks: wehn you produced Bat out of Hell, what was your fav tune on it?
Yahoo_TR: My favorite tune had to be Paradise by the Dashboard Light

HermanGlimpshire asks: Are you still reading a lot of Greg Bear/SF, or do you have some other favorite authors? Ever read "High Fidelity" by Nick Hornby?
Yahoo_TR: I only get to read when I'm on holiday which is rarely.. It's hard because once you start a book you have to finish it. I never seem to have the time.

AutobotPrime asks: Were you upset that you knew you were going straight to hell after making "Fascist Christ".
Yahoo_TR: I knew i was going straight to hell long before that.

jefftune asks: Todd, is there an upcoming Japanese release of your rare & unreleased recordings?
Yahoo_TR: There is. Skip over the crapola version of Do Ya.. I told them not to put it on but they did anyway.

_JELLY292 asks: What is your favorite Hendrix album and why?
Yahoo_TR: Hard to say, they're all so evolutionary

basj3 asks: How do you feel about fans bootlegging your material?
Yahoo_TR: It's not a problem yet. Fans dont bootleg do they?

spooge001 asks: are you gonna do the Stern show again?
Yahoo_TR: Not likely. Too early in the morning.

Bugzee7 asks: Do you see the web as a "renegade" tool for artists ?
Yahoo_TR: All media has it's renegade possibilities.

TallGuy246 asks: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Yahoo_TR: At the bar with a Gibson contemplating the sunset, but that could be this Saturday as well.

Yahoomc: Thanks for joining Yahoo! Chat with Todd Rundgren! For more info on Patronet and Todd's Subscription services, check out and be sure to click on the CD Now banner above for 30% off all TR stuff!
Yahoo_TR: Bye everybody!

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