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Boondock Saints, The (R)
Rating: A
I have pondered the amount of space I ought to give to an old movie that I've just seen for the first time, and I've decided to keep it reasonably concise. This movie beats the ass. From masterful fight choreography to a pumping techno soundtrack, Boondock Saints delivers on all levels. It features the outlandish, over-the-top cinematic style that makes movies like Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch so much fun to watch. The characters are all extremely memorable (Il Duche, anyone?) as are the shocking plot twists in which they often find themselves (the cat scene is my personal favorite. meow). Plus, if you've never been given the chance to catch Willem Dafoe in a flamboyantly homosexual role, here's your chance. He's an absolute riot. Sigh, I need to keep this short so I'm going to write one more sentence. I believe this movie is out on DVD, so do yourself a favor-- buy it and stick it on the shelf next to that priceless gem Happiness.