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1 of 9 Your Turn On

T.A.P.I.N.G. (Temper All Passions In Numbered Gates)

Thoughts surrounding this TENET :
Some people search to find out and get to know what they like.
b)  Some people know what they like but make no attempt to follow their thoughts.
c )  (Some people know their likes and have a go at following their thoughts through)

   ... These are

the three main 'situations' that most of us hover around and are all taken from the

poem "The Perpetual Goal of the Common Turn-on" by Esserge Noynek. (Translation Reproduced below
with the kind permission of the Author's son)
.  It it good to search, feels great to know,
and fantastic to get a life that allows you to follow through "whatever turns you on" .... even
just some of it!

As there is no passport or visa needed to "search, find or tackle" turn-ons, we end up with
a varied planet where nearly every niche of human behaviour is to be found somewhere. Some
avoidance tactics for some of those niches are very useful to learn (.... noooooooo, not on this
web site). We are interested in rendering down the mix to get a clear picture of life's content
which is a big enough job to do.

"The Perpetual Goal of the Common Turn-on" by Esserge Noynek. (1922 - 1992)

If we can grasp common goals and traits
If we can, together, devote time to shared aims
If no matter who we are we can agree on certain journeys that must be taken
And all turn out at times for the race that is the human race.
If when our minds lead and our hearts beat moments in sync
We can capitalise on our situations and hold ground across all persuasions of creed,
Then the poets of Tempered Passions will have done their job,
And 'contributed' to progress, in a tangible, physical and fully spiritual way.

If after all and following everything to come, we still bicker away from seeing eachother
Then those that know will have lost to those that neither know or wish to find out.
Some people search to find out and get to know what they like.
Some people know what they like but make no attempt to follow their thoughts.
Some people know their likes and have a go at following their thoughts through
Some people know others likes and see every reason to work anon.
on the perpetual goal of the common turn-on.

This poem may have lost something in the translation but like Mr. Kipling, who also wrote exceedingly good poetry, including "If" (1910),  Noynek also understands 'questing' and 'arriving' but speaks of the motivations that drive people.

In 1996, at the time of the First Evolvement, Tomlinson and Jesse were studying areas of 'Human State' and took the story of Guiper as a good example of this, their First Core Tenet Group, 'Your Turn On'.

For information about using illustrations,  writings or characters on  your promotions,  products or advertising,
 please contact LPB licensing on
lpb@btclick.com .The Nine Tenets of Tomlinson and Jesse, illustrations, names
 and all related indicia are copyright of OT & GJ  © 2001. All Reproduction Rights Reserved 'WoW'. For all
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