Mr. Condrads                   Page
Mr. Conrad has moved from New Orleans to Oregon
Mr. Conrad's Advisory group is the COOL CATS ... and here are their ..............
The Lousiana Purchase
Brittney S.                Eddie G.
Cassie R.                 Zach C.
Ricky T.                 Amelia B.
Rhett H.                  Nikki H.
Keegan H.               Bria B.
Nicole C.                Kelsey J.
Joe S.                    Scott V.
Herbert F.
8th graders:
In Social Studies they are learning about World War II and they just recently went to the D-Day Museum.
In Math they are learning area, circumference, and geometry.
7th graders:
In Social Studies they are learning all about Louisiana's historic information.
In Math they are working on decimals, fractions, and percentages
6th graders:

          coming soon!

7th grade is leaning Louisiana history this year and 8th is leaning America's histroy
Mr. Conrad is the advisory teacher for 7th grade, but he teaches all the middle school grades
World War II
  Mr. Conrad taught 6th, 7th, and 8th grade math and Social Studies.