My purpose in this site is to offer clear Biblical studies for Christian growth by ministering to everyone who loves God and His Christ; who wants to learn and to become grounded in committment to Jesus Christ as the Lord of abundant life.

I love the "Word" of God and rely upon the Hebrew and Greek texts for an accurate study of my Bible. Since the "Word" is our spiritual food, we all need to keep it as our main source of study and basis for growth in Christian character as led by the Holy Spirit of God and Christ.

First, think about what is central in Christian living. God should be central to us. Look into the first Book and verse in the Bible and you find God. It reads: "In the beginning God..." (Elohim) Also note it is not El but Elohim, plural, and that is very important. God almighty in the plural. Again this is basic in Christianity. We think of God, our heavenly Father, Lord of Life; Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God always existing with the Father in every aspect of His own deity; and God the Holy Spirit, God in His ever-presence and everywhere in His presence. So in our Christian life we think and worship God boldly in Christ Jesus, who is now at the Father's right hand to hear our prayers in His name, as His Holy Spirit teaches our prayer. (Gen. 1:1; Jn.14-17).

Second, think about your personal life. Is your mindset one of seeking God's glory and praise through your daily life? Or is your life's underlying concern/ interest in things of this world's living and satisfying pleasures? Unless you are firmly anchored in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you have no real prospect of satisfying peace and enduring joy. Jesus led His disciples towards a complete committment to HIM as the Son of God who had full control of all life and by their faith in Him they were to have abundant eternal continuance in God's holy kingdom. True believers in Christ Jesus shall be given glorious entrance into everything of eternal worth in God our heavenly Father's powerful and glorious presence.

You must be cleansed from all your sin and be set upon growth in Christ which means daily walking in His control; yet, free from the power of eternal death in Satan's kingdom of darkness and misery. (John 1:12,13).

While you are living in the full control of the Holy Spirit, you are, at the same time, relating to all the other people in your life, believers and unbelievers, family and nonfamily. The glory of God's presence within, by His love, reaches to all of these people. This is your own ministry in the name of Jesus Christ as He works through you to magnify almighty God your heavenly Father. And, being joined together with all other Christians build up the body of Christ in the world.


The Lord has finished His earthly visit to do the will of His Father by humbly living a life of service, a death of atonement, and a resurrection to give real holy hope to the world. He has laid the foundation for His Church/body a living growing gathering together of believers who are baptized into this unique kind of oneness with God and Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. We who personally experience Christ Jesus' presence in our lives represent Him in life and word to the whole world both near and far. Our only purpose is to glorify God and Christ in the world of mankind everywhere.

I Thank the Lord for your checking out these pages and pray for your blessing through Christ Jesus the Living Lord. My other 50+ major pages/topics including many important subjects/studies can be seen at: (WRITE THIS URL DOWN) ( Be sure and check these pages out and share them with others. NOW, KEEP READING HERE! Next Page>