This page is part of a game called Hay! Land

Hay! Land Players Incentive Program

What is the Players' Incentive Program?
-The Players Incentive Program was designed by the Players' Council to get players more involved with the game and to recognize those players who go above and beyond in dedicating lots of time and energy to the game. The more you do, the more points you earn. The more points you earn, you more recognition you earn. You can also earn helpful incentives like create-a-horse credits, money for your bank account, and other great benefits.

How can I get involved?
-Every player in the game is elligible to participate in the program. Each barn has a set week during the month that their owners/boarders can update their points. Using the update form you'll be able to submit your points to have them tallied. For more information and to get started just use the links below to navigate your way around.

Main Page | Point System | Update Schedule

Update Form | Current Points | Hall of Fame

Any questions or concerns about the Players' Incentive Program please contact the Players' Council.