Jake and Sue Jacobson Home Page


   Bella Vista AR Lot

  December 2003


 Peace and blessings to all our family and friends!

2003 is the year Jake and Sue seriously started to consider Jake's retirement possibilities!  We believe we may have found a place to call home in Bella Vista, AR.  It is in the northwestern corner of AR on the border with Missouri.  You can see a 180 degree shot of our lot at the top of this page.  As you can see, considerable work has to be done to clear the lot!  The other photos show how the lot falls about 100 feet to a lake below.  Jake will spend many an hour fishing and playing golf in this retirement community which also happens to be near the corporate home of Walmart.

For Jake's trout fishing hangouts in Arkansas, click on the image above!

2002 proved to be rather exciting as both our children married in that year!  (See links below.)

Thanks for visiting and take a look around to catch up with all the family's recent joyful events. 

Thanksgiving 2002

A 2002 Holiday Video Greeting from Missy and Peter Watts

(Video Message requires a Media Player and takes awhile to download ... especially with dial-up!)


The Jacobson Family's Big Events of ...

2001 ... Missy's Wedding on Dec 15th!

Mr and Mrs Peter Watts Home Page


2002 ... Billy's Wedding on Oct 19th!

Mr and Mrs  William Jacobson Home Page






       Jo Charlie Rhonda Carl Gladys Dave Dorinda John Anna Sue Jake

         Missy & Peter


& Billy   Tom Judy Fred Mickey Jake Sue Joe Pat

God bless us every one!