Also applicable to the study of Chinese Martial Arts
Right Understanding

Right Intent

Right Speech

Right Action

Right Livelihood

Right Effort

Right Mindfulness

Right Concentration
Seeing the world and everything in it as it really is

Urges us to decide what our heart wants, recognising the equality of life and compassion for all that life, beginning with yourself

Communicating thoughtfully helps to unite others, and can heal dissention. By resolving never to speak unkindly, or in anger, a spirit of consideration evolves which moves us closer to everyday compassionate living

Recognises the need to take the ethical approach in life, to consider others and the world we live in, and includes not taking what is not given to us, and having respect for the agreements we make both in our private and business lives

Promotes the principle of equality of all living beings and respect for all life - if your work has a lack of respect for life, then it will be a barrier to progress on the spiritual path

Cultivating an enthusiasm, a positive attitude in a balanced way toproduce steady and cheerful determination leading to positive thinking, followed by focused action

Being aware of the moment, and being focused on that moment, and to be clear and undistracted at that moment. By being aware we are able to see how old patterns and habits may control us and how fears of possible futures limit our present actions

Once the mind is uncluttered it may then be concentrated to achieve worthy directions. The benefits of Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration are significant as they teach the mind to see things, not as we are conditioned to see them but as they really are. At the same time they also lead to a feeling of calm and peace with the world. By being in the moment and being able to concentrate effectively, a sense of joy of the moment is felt.
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