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Tuesday June 11
8.00am - Travel to Alexandria, accommodation at El haram hotel196 El Gish St. KleopatraTel: 203-5464059 or 5493974 Fax: 203-5464578

We headed for Alexandria today in our van. Besides Mr. Ashraf, the driver, Mai and Rabaab, there was another translator accompany us in the trip. His name was Ahmed Ri-Fai, a medical student. His English was very fluent and he quickly got acquainted with the four of us. We traveled for about 3 hours and only stopped by once to have a 10 minutes break.

When we got to Alexandria, we could tell that we were arrived through the cooler breeze from the Mediterranean Sea. The hot and dry air in Cairo was all gone, replaced was the weather of beach! The sea was wonderful and we could see that directly at the balcony of our hotel rooms.

In the afternoon that day, we immediately had a meeting in the Somouha Youth Centre. We stopped by to see the palace in the way, but we did not stay long. In this youth center, which was the second last one we visit in this journey, we saw another Kufu show by the children. Some of the children were very small, but they showed their seriousness and determination while demonstrating.

After dinner at the hotel, we took a quick walk around the back streets of the hotel. There were lots of things selling here including food, snacks, clothes and some other things. The night of Alexandria was restless. People were still everywhere.

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