Hong Kong Whistleblowers' HomePage
(B5:香港敢言者網頁; GB:眅誠詫晟氪厙珜)
for Promoting the
Ethics of Encouraging Freedom of Speech Despite Institutional Constraint

D. Legislations Protecting Whistleblowers

1. USA (per whi-gap\article and GAP's WebPage):

  1. 1989 Whistleblower Protection Act
  2. The Clean Air Act
  3. The Toxic Substance Control Act
  4. The Solid Waste Disposal Act (RCRA)
  5. The Safe Drinking Water Act
  6. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act
  7. The Energy Reorganization Act (for nuclear workers)
  8. Department of Energy Whistleblower Protection Regulations
  9. Office of Contractor Employee Protection, 10 C.F.R. Part 708
  10. False Claims Act

2. UK (per The Times ref _)

  1. Whistleblowers' Charter of the National Health Service

3. Australia (per w_au_gri\whistle Chris Griffiths' Page):

  1. 1994 Queensland whistleblower protection legislation

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