Hong Kong Whistleblowers' HomePage
(B5:香港敢言者網頁; GB:眅誠詫晟氪厙珜)
for Promoting the
Ethics of Encouraging Freedom of Speech Despite Institutional Constraint

B. Whistleblowers in mainland China
1. Mr DENG Xiaoping (B5:鄧小平;GB腌苤す) is the most well-known whistleblower via-a-vis the the old guards. He was purged 3 times. The Chinese concept of retaliation against the whistleblower is called making him "wear a smaller pair of shoes" (B5:穿小鞋; GB:援苤衧). Beijing's Chinese Academy of Social Science and Shanghai's Fudan University have set up research centres for appliced ethics.
See Anthony CHUA's 2 Jun 93 commentary in Hong Kong's pro-Beijing newspaper Ta Kung Pao (B5:大公報; GB:湮鼠惆):

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