Junkers Magdeburg Jet Engine
( later also Heinkel 006 )
Multiple stage compressor, two stage turbine with axial flow, 1 built

Junkers Jumo 006
Junkers RTO (Jumo 006) Engine of 1938

The developement of jet engines by Junkers was initiated in 1936, when Prof. Wagner joint Junkers Flugzeugwerke. Wagner established a special jet engine developement group under the management of Adolf Mueller at the Magdeburger Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik, which just had been taken over by Junkers Flugzeugwerke.

In 1939 the first Junkers Jet engine was ready for static tests, but did not run. Following an official order of the RLM for a jet engine developement in July 1939 the Magdeburg developement was stopped and transfered to the Otto-Mader Entwicklungswerk at Dessau on request of the RLM.

At the same time, Mueller left Junkers Flugzeugwerke and joint Heinkel. At Heinkel he continued the Magdeburg developement under the designator 006, which in some sources is also referenced as Jumo 006 by mistake.

Even if it looks as if the Magdeburg Jet Engine a forrunner of the Jumo 004, the Jumo 004 is mostly an independent developement. The Jumo 004 was started at Dessau and Mueller and most of the Magdeburg left Junkers at that time. Therefore a lot of knowhow, gained from the Magdeburg engine, was lost and had to be reinvented for the Jumo 004 developement.

Further Reading at other Sites:
Junkers Jet Engine Developements

28th December 2003
The Hugo Junkers Homepage
at http://www.junkers.de.vu
© Horst Zoeller, Germany, November 1996

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