Get Trampled if need be…….


Us humans are a funny sort

We have tender egos & get hurt a lot

When dropped, crumpled and ground into dirt

We feel worthless & get deeply hurt


Look at a simple new & crisp twenty dollar bill

You may drop, crumple & grind it in dirt at will

Does it lose its value? It will always be a twenty

Your value will never diminish, get trampled if need be


Your value is not what others think of you

you know yourself a lot better than they do

They also think falling down is a failure

not getting up after every fall is the real failure


Speaking truth may get you in trouble for a short time

Liars need good memories, it is well known for a long time

Truth, hard work, and trust in Allah, that is the way it should be

To fight nonbelievers and liars get trampled if need be.


There are all kinds of people in this world, naturally

Some are mean, greedy, jealous & some power hungry

Some are bold or brave, others are pious or meek

Among all these the men of value you should seek


Injustice, hiding the facts, keeping you ignorant

Power hungry practice that with great penchant

Fight those who are tyrants, mean, jealous and greedy

To fight injustice and persecution get trampled if need be.


Mehndi (henna) gives best colors when grounded by stone

Men gone through troubles, sufferings and hard work have shone

Don’t worry when you are toiling to rise up and be free

Worrying will get you know where, get trampled if need be.


Look at Imam Husain he fought  bravely against Yazid

Salwaat on panjatan, Husain, & his as’haab and laanat on Yazid

Yazid was a liar, jealous, power hungry, greedy and jahannumy

To fight lies, injustice, persecution, get trampled if need be.


Husain’s Dai Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin

Still today bravely fighting the same shiateen

May Allah grant him umr-e-khizar with sehat-yaabi

We all must join in this fight and get trampled if need be


Abd-e-Syedna, TUS-Shk. Husain Jamali, Anjuman-e-Burhani, Los Angeles, CA