The way to live


There are as many ways to live life as the number of people on earth

We all stumble along, without any given master plan, right from birth


You go thru life once, no one has time to experiment

Some live their life in love, labor, joy, sorrow or merriment


Dumb ones waste their lives, a genius man always does what he can

Hard workers enjoy the fruits of their labor, lazy ones search in trashcan


Happiness is nothing but good planning, so you must plan, plan, and more plan

If you don’t plan, then you must catch unexpected troubles, as a catch can


To have inner peace and peace among Nations we all must live BY the religion

Terrorists, fundamentalists, extremists and troublemakers live FOR the religion


Keep your conscience alive and pay heed to it, it dies a slow death if you ignore

It is your life’s compass, if you kill it, it will guide you no more


Don’t pay attention to other’s talk, no one knows you better than you

At the end of the day look in the mirror to see if the man in the glass likes you


In your life’s plan, make a lot of room for service to downtrodden man

Nothing pleases Allah more than his creature extending a helping hand


Life is a mirror, what you present to it, will come back to you

Treat every one with dignity & respect, if you desire the same for you


Moderation in all worldly pleasures is a key to a healthy life

Extravagance in these matters will cut through like a sharp knife


We mumineen around the world are joyous for the 94th Salgirah Mubarak

We pray, for him a 1000 more by vasila of Panjatan, to Allah tabarak


Since we have no time to experiment, we all follow the example of  Dai-uz-Zamaan

May he live healthy ta qiyamat, his shining life of Ibaadat and service to Ahle-Imaan



Abd-e-Syedna, TUS – Shk. Husain Jamali, Anjuman-e-Burhanee, Los Angeles, CA

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