Cute Art
Candy's Art Haven
How to Draw Manga! (by Japanime)
Just what it says:"cute art".  just a warning, some of it contains adult content. seriously.
Candy is amazing!!! She draws the cutest Kenshin pics!
a great page by japanime. it has everything manga artists need. and they have fan art contests too!
If you want to link to us the url is
Kapuchi no Kafe
this page is sooooo kawaii!!!  Icecap has a great style of drawing! check out her page!!
Kawaii Dream
Raila Rocks!!! just check out her stuff!
Media Miner
this is a place where artists can post all their artwork! it's great for aspiring artists.  i highly reccomend it. (its where Kaiten Yari and Shino Katana-San became famous)
The Six
The Six is a great web-manga by some of my friends Tamra, Shira, and DS.  theres not much here yet cuz they r just starting but it promises to be great and funny