I play the piano
When I learn a piece of music,
I do not sit down and then play it perfectly
Each hand slowly picks out their part
until there is rhythum and ease in playing.
At first, it does not seem like much
but eventually it comes together in beautiful harmony
One part at a time, I practice the music.
One day at a time, I live in my life.
There are days when I walk a gentle path and all is well.
But there are days when I walk a more difficult path.
There are times when I need to stand up for myself.
...when there are problems that seem unsolvable
...when there are relationships that are not working
...when I have to make a tough decision
...when I feel so sad
I do not let it overwhelm me-
I stay in the now
doing my best this day is all I need to do
to make sure tomorrow will be another great day.
I believe that every person in my life is there for a purpose
From them, I learn life's lessons
One lesson leading to a next.
Through the day,
I love and take care of myself.
I love and take care of those around me.
I let them love and take care of me.
I know that I deserve love.
And I love myself into peace and happiness.


page by Heather

Forever Home
Grizz's Tour with Sweet