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Lithuanian record

 About me Collectors Lithuanian caps Caps

Contact info
Andrius Pieðkus
Þiemiø 28a-43
Kaunas, Lt-51361

tel.: +370 650 48151

The 1st caps: This is 1st cap from Lithuania (1992)This is 1st cap from Poland (1992)
The 1000 cap This is 1000 cap from Lithuania (2008)This is 1000 cap from Canada in 1998
The 10000 cap:

This is 10.000 cap from Tadjikistan (2004.09.01)

The 15000 cap: This is 15.000 cap from Czech (2007.10.02)

     I am a collector of beer caps from Lithuania. I was born in Siauliai (the Northern Lithuania) on January 17, 1976.
     When I was 16 years old I took part in the contest of orienteering sport in Hungary. In Hungary and Poland, I saw lot of cool beer caps which impressed me so much that I started collecting them. There were only about 10 different kind of caps in Lithuania at that time. When I graduated from the secondary school, I had some 250-300 different caps (from Lithuania, Poland and the Ukraine).
     In 1994 I started studying in Kaunas. In the Internet I found out that there were a lot of people beer caps collectors all over the world. I started communicating and exchanging beer caps with them. I keep in touch with 73 foreign friends with whom I am exchanging beer caps.
     The biggest number of crowned caps is from the USA, Germany and Italy. All caps you can find here.

     I have moved the page about caps to on June 19, 2009. The main reason was slow server. Now you can browse my webpage ( without fear not to open some pages or of it slowest.
     At you will find all the features that used to be at this page: personal information, collectors’ list, Lithuanian caps, caps  from all around the world as well as caps for exchange.
     You can continue to browse here or to go straight to my new server
     Please visit